Academic Master


Lord of the Flies Novel Analysis

Lord of the Flies is an incident-based classic novel by one of the prize-winning British authors, William Golding. The book discusses the story of the English men stranded on a deserted island in their adolescence. Their evacuation from civilization was to escape the risk of the atomic war, so the boys should learn how to cooperate with one another in the battle for survival. This paper is a summary of Lord of the Flies and a good critical analysis for understanding.

The school boys were traveling and were set on a deserted island in the Pacific and it was imagined that there would be great destruction by war in all parts of the world. The pilot was killed in the plane crash but the children survived which made them alone to survive on the island without any supervision of the adult. Now, they were alone so they were supposed to make a living in this wild. All the boys made a plan in which one was elected the leader, and the others were grouped to hunt, find things, and supervise each other’s tasks. The boys were distracted by many activities such as making huts, swimming, searching for fruits, maintaining fire, hunting, and conflicting with one another’s ideas. The boys were so busy in their activities that they saw a ship passing by and found that the signal fire was gone. They rushed towards the fire but they found themselves late for it.

There were a number of incidents in which the boys found themselves in great difficulty when one boy’s glasses got broken, conflict on food distribution, and the death of a boy accidentally. This created great horror in the boys and they led to find ways to reach back to their civilizations from where they came. The boys get into conflict with one another and a terrible attempt of killing starts in which one boy is killed by mistake, the other is intentionally murdered and another boy is captured by the group.

In a literary analysis, the rising actions in the story included the chief selection and rules establishment. Boys don’t like their assigned jobs. A ship passes by and lack of fire causes the boys to be ignored. The climax in the story comes when a boy conflicts with the group and runs to become another group. Robbery of glass and politics happens. During the confrontation, the murder of a boy happens. The others get captured and the strong boy runs out towards the beach. Murders and imprisonment are falling actions in which things are about to calm down with unreturning damage. The complete resolution happens when a boy runs off from the group and ends up on the beach in front of the naval officer who afterward asks for an explanation of what happened on the island all the boys start weeping and a distressful environment is created.

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that the book had terrible ups and downs in the story. The classical composition highlights human nature as humans are never civilized unless they have proper supervision or something that could define their identity. As they find themselves free of supervision, they behave uncivilized and uncultured. Moral values vanish, and social crimes become commonplace. It can be controlled by proper education and quality control during human life’s initial development.

Works Cited

LeVasseur, Marc G. Classical-Christian Friendship Operating in Western Literature: Oral Traditions to the Apex of Print Culture. Diss. Salve Regina University, 2016.

Talvet, Jüri. “Towards a symbiotic coexistence of comparative literature and world literature.” CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15.5 (2013): 6.



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