Academic Master


Literature For Me

Literature is known as the one crucial discipline for understanding the facets of life by considering its different dimensions. The feature of literature always inspires me because it provides a wide range of understanding of the different concepts of life. Here, the focus is to illustrate the importance of literature in my life.

Different features of literature, such as stories, novels, plays, dramas, etc., always fascinate me as they give me the opportunity to understand the different prospects of life through the tales of other real or fictional characters. The importance of literature cannot be avoided as it is one crucial foundation of life. Undoubtedly, reading a different kind of literature helps me to make more effective decisions about my life.

I explore the facets of different life tragedies and the influential perspective of love through the subject of literature. The most effective feature of the literature for me is that it enhances my feature of imagination. It encourages me to utilize the physical words in my imagination the way I like to imagine life (Bruner, 2003). It enhances my ability to use my imagination and features of mind to understand different aspects of life from many different angles.

I have an immense affection for the subject of literature because it enables me to understand the different prospects of life through the viewpoint of other people. I became able to understand how different people conceptualize different facets of life through their writing. Undoubtedly, it is one prospect which opens new doors for me related to the happiness and tragedies of life.

To conclude the importance of literature in my life, I want to add that understanding the form of literature is one joyful journey that helps me expand my knowledge about the different dimensions of life.


Bruner, J. S. (2003). Making Stories: Law, Literature, Life. Harvard University Press. Retrieved from



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