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Limits of American Revolution

The Native Americans had various experiences both during and after the revolutionary war. During the war, the Native Americans had a better relationship with the British as they offered assistance to the fight. Therefore, their lives were better as compared to those of the fighters opposed to the British rule. They enjoyed the fact that they could be offered land to settle on without the need for compensation. The native Lived under fear during the war that an independent America would present more challenges than America under the rule of the British. Therefore, they had to give all their support to the British army. However, the experience changed after the war. The Native Americans were not included in the peace treaties signed by the British government. For this reason, they were left out ion the passing of the major decisions. They suffered alienation even after offering their support to the British fighters. In addition, the experience was poor as many of the Native Americans, such as the Oneida, had to give up their land for other settlers.

The Native Americans lost more of their rights than they gained. This is because the British seem to have conspired against them even after receiving their support in the revolutionary fight. By supporting the Brits, the Native Americans hoped that they would win the war and have the British on the throne[1] (Bailyn 2017 n.p). They believed that after the warm they would occupy more land and have more rights over the rest of the communities. They were however deprived of their land to accommodate the white settlers. The Native Americans actually participated in the revolutionary war. Cherokees and Creeks believed that the situation would be worse for them if America became independent[2] (Bailyn 2017 n.p). Therefore, they offered a back up to the Brits so as to overcome the rebels. They, therefore, volunteered to fight for the British. After their alienation from the treaties, they realized that they had actually fought themselves.


Bailyn, B. (2017). The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Harvard University Press. Retrieved from:



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