Academic Master


Techniques Used in World War II Propaganda

In World War II, one of the techniques that were used to create propaganda was “Propaganda Posters” which were used to gain support for the war and encourage people to join the military (Mahaney). This essay intends to explore the underlying meanings and graphical representations of the selected posters in context with World War II. The first poster which is selected for the analysis has a bright red heading at

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Did Dr. Mavis Brown have apparent authority to bind the corporation?

A representative’s apparent authority is assessed by whether or not their acts and words would reasonably give another person the impression that they are acting on behalf of the firm (Brewster, 2019). In this case, Dr. Mavis Brown was the head of Human Resources and made an offer of employment to Mary. By doing so, she may have created the impression that she had the authority to make such an

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Turnitin Site for Cancer Warrior Video and Sci-American Vessels of Death Worksheet

Briefly (but mention key points) describe the experiment Folkman conducted with the rat thyroid gland and what conclusion he drew from these studies. Folkman used a rat thyroid gland to conduct his experiment in order to investigate whether or not reconstituted hemoglobin could keep body tissues alive as red blood cells do in the body. For this, he designed an imitation of the circulatory system that consisted of reconstituted hemoglobin.

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Milton Friedman

Introduction: In business platforms, the ‘conduct’ must be understood as a universal entity that directly builds a linkage between society and business units. Such a covert agreement usually lacks among the affected organizations concerning business communities around the globe. In 1962, Milton Friedman spotlighted corporate social responsibility (CSR) in alliance with his strong belief in free market capitalism. In fact, the concept of the broad view of CSR among stakeholders

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Benchmark – Effective Educational Practitioner Essay

Undoubtedly, a teacher’s primary responsibility is considered to teach the students to pass exams and be promoted to new classes, but it is not the complete responsibility portrait. In fact, the teaching community spends hours with students and ought to be their role models and ensure their safety at enormous levels. As teachers, the respectable chunk of society, the main responsibilities revolve around the continuation of expectations of this profession

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Implications of the Positivist School of Jurisprudential Thought in Legal System

“The Positivist School of Jurisprudential Thought” vastly follows the concise insight and explanation of the natural origin of law to uphold the values and principles of a society. It is more effective at upholding the values of society and rational independence for the measurement and quantification of criminal behavior than any other competing school of thought. Among other schools of jurisprudential thought, the Positivist school offers a concise thought that

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Case Study: Emergency Department Repeat Admissions – A Question of Resource Use

Healthcare professionals usually face a common problem of ethical necessities while performing their duties. Therefore, the application of moral values and ethical principles is mandatory for curbing ethical issues. Such an application of ethical principles coincides with various philosophies like non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, and beneficence. Such core principles assist healthcare experts and authorities to make good decisions, especially in resolving patients’ issues (Levitt-Rosenthal, 2013). As a case manager, the pertinent

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Peer and Cultural Influences on Adolescent Development

It is the universal datum that the human life span has entitled with a transformative phase termed adolescence. However, due to cultural differences, its significance may differ around the globe, but its importance cannot be neglected. Various indigenous cultures worldwide consider it a transitional phase into adulthood and maturity. However, in various ethnographic and cultural aspects, early-age marriages do not demarcate a significant identification of the line between adolescence and

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Pathophysiology Summary for Pneumonia

This summary of the pathophysiology of Pneumonia in Victor Vitale includes the etiology of the illness, risk factors, clinical manifestations, and treatment options as the patient was admitted due to bilateral anterior/posterior lungs having crackle lung sounds in the upper and lower lobes. Referring to the patient’s condition, Pneumonia is a common respiratory infection that occurs when the lungs become inflamed due to an infectious agent such as viruses, bacteria,

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Country Profile between US and Australia

Australia is a sovereign country with an allocation of the continent’s mainland. The country possessing a huge area is believed to have aboriginal people from Asia and South East Asia, thousand years ago. However, the modern historical glimpse of the country revolves around the explorations and advent of the Dutch in 1606, who were followed by the British in 1788 in massive numbers. It is pertinent to mention that criminal

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