Academic Master


Benchmark – Gospel Essentials

Introduction Gospel means a good or positive news which covers the Christian faith. Gospel explains the concept of God, Jesus, Humanity, and Restoration. It provides an analysis of the Christian perception regarding the world. It describes the Jesus is the source of forgiveness that is why he dies to pay the price of the sins of people and as a result, we all became children of God (Gospel of God).

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How Women are Depicted and How They fight back patriarchal, anti-feminist society in King Lear and the Wife of the bath

Introduction Male and female are portrayed as the only known genders in the whole world. Many sociologists, as well as advocates, have spoken about the issue of gender equality but up to now, the issue has not been addressed properly because gender discrimination is still existing even in our current world. Women have always been discriminated against the men. In the patriarchal society, males were considered to be the head

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Causes and Ways of Dealing with Poverty as a Problem in the United States of America

Poverty is one of the challenging global phenomena that has affected all continents of the world for decades now. Poverty is the percentage of the entire population of a people of a country that are living on monetary spending of less than 1.25$ on a days spending this is according to the UN data analysis done in the year 2000-2006. It can also be described as the total percentage of

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Components of Parent / Family Engagement

Application, Community Engagement Family and community engagement in education is increasingly recognized as a vital contributor to student academic achievement. The initial point of effective engagement program starts with the thorough teacher training and logical organization ion; the essential component of engagement is the teacher training. If the delivery of parents/community programs is committed and envisioned properly, it becomes more effective. For example, many schools in the United States provide

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What did Mies van der Rohe mean by “less is more”?

There is no doubt that the aphorism, ‘less is more,’ is the most commonly abused in architecture. As far as architectural designs form the basis of the aphorisms, this one by Mies van der Rohe depicts a modern ethic. What most people fail to fathom is that this phrase was not originally developed by Rohe; rather it was introduced by his godfather, Peter Behrens, who is also known for his

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Book Analysis of “$2.00 a Day”

Presently, there have been debates on how welfare should be incorporate, eliminated or reformed in society. This comes after the “$2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America,” was authored Eden and Luke Schaefer reveals explores the legacy of reforms of welfare, and its effects on the most poor members of the society. Their findings are horrifying and unpleasant. There is an increasing in extreme poverty, which has made

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Climate Change and Food Security Essay

Over the recent centuries human development has led to great advancements in the technological and industrial sector. This has come with its own set of drawbacks firstly to the immediate environment and kits secondary effects directly affecting life supported by the natural environment. In recent times the planet has steadily been accumulating heat which has interpreted to melting of ice caps in high altitude areas and the consequential rise of

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The Monetary Community and Accounting Professionals and The Frequent Use of its Members

The financial sector is one of the most important communities, many of its members have a very large number of members, but a very complex part of the community is without formal education. Such a community becomes exceptional for a variety of reasons, first of all, there is a very specific and short situation so that the most widely used slang is very clear on the fact that society is

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Boys Don’t Cry (1999) & Side Effects (2013) Movie Analysis

Our society does not offer equal opportunities for some categories of people, particularly those who do not identify with the normal gender or sexual orientations. In America, transgender persons belonging to such groups that do not get recognition as equals. That explains the struggles of Brandon Teena, a transgender teen as depicted in the film Boys Don’t Cry by Kimberly Pierce (Ebert, 2018).

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