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Language Development Essay

Language development is a process in which children start to understand communicate vaguely in their early ages. Language development occurs during the early years of life and there is general timing for the language development which is first two years of life. In the first 18 months of the life, children tend to have acquired and refined a new set of motor skills which will help them transform their knowledge and experiences with various objects and its related people. A comprehensive literature review is being carried out to explore the link between motor and language development. The author has argued that the motors skills are essential in acquiring the language among infants (Iverson, 2010). There are different phases in the language development of a child. The development of an infant is like at twenty weeks’ time the infants start to sit with support, vocalize the vowels sound. For instance, from 0 to 6 years of age infants learn to sit independently and lean forward as well as similar utterances of the single-syllables, but the recurrence of the vowels or consonants is not frequent. Between the first or during the first-word onset, infants know the meaning and practice to convert that meaning into action. There are several developmental factors are linked to language development. For example, children start to utter the words when they start walking.

Other studies have also linked the walking with language development such as Walle & Campos have concluded that language is linked with walking. The walking is linked with both receptive and productive development of a language (Walle & Campos, 2014). However, motor development is not an absolute aspect of language development because some people might have slow growth in the motor system but the language development can be on time (Iverson, 2010). Language development has several other factors which play the role and depends on the full range of abilities and skills. Motor development can be one aspect and one of the abilities which are linked with the language development. In conclusion, the relationship between motor development and language development does exist, but it is complicated and multi-directional.

Infants tend to vocalize at a very early age right after their birth and the starts the babble at the age. Babbling is a process in which infants make a sound but those sounds do not have any impact (Geambasu, Scheel, & Levelt, 2016). The babbling is a sign that language development has started. With the help babbling baby starts to respond and communicate with the people around. The speech becomes clear and clear over the period of time as the child grows. Children who babble or produce single words during their early childhood does not mean that they will learn the things instantly (Iverson, 2010). The emergence of new motor skills changes the experience of an infant with object recognition and acquisition of development and understanding of the language. To concludes, language development is one of the biggest change in the life of an infant and it can be a difficult process. Children take time to learn and onset of proper language or speaking might vary from child to child. Some children might speaker at the last development stage and maturation or age of the child is not directly linked to language acquisition or development.


Geambasu, A., Scheel, M., & Levelt, C. C. (2016). Cross-linguistic Patterns in Infant Babbling.

Iverson, J. M. (2010). Developing language in a developing body: The relationship between motor development and language development. Journal of Child Language, 37(2), 229–261.

Walle, E. A., & Campos, J. J. (2014). Infant language development is related to the acquisition of walking. Developmental Psychology, 50(2), 336.



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