Section A:
The initial report presented the overview of the condition of the workplace for the victim of sexual harassment despite the fact that the laws have been designed to prevent such incidents in the workplace. The incident similar to sexual harassment causes not just the damage to an employee who is a victim but also the employer’s reputation regarding the environment of workplace offered by that employer. The direction of the overall report indicates the perception regarding the effects of sexual harassment in the workplace and the relationship between stakeholders keeping in view the United Kingdom corporate sector. The growing competition in this advanced world, organisations must eliminate such challenges which in result will cause their position to exist in the market. The reason for researching this topic is because of identifying and present the clarity of the concept of sexual harassment and implications experienced by the victim to report (, 2010).
The initial report further presented the definition of sexual harassment as described by the law of equality act 2010. The definition was broader in nature which covers all the aspects of sexual harassment including violation of victim’s dignity, humiliation and degrading though hostile environment. The act also includes the categories of sexual harassment which comes under its nature of remarks, interfering colleague sex’s life, unwelcome touch and demanding sexual favours. The legislation not just included the sexual harassment from colleagues but also from the customers or vendor. Even bullying also considers being the sexual harassment when the jokes with offensive nature towards the victims include pornographic images, words or objects (The guardian, 2016).
The overview of findings in the initial paper also presented two main types of harassment which helps in understanding the nature and extent of the problem. The first type is Quid Pro Quo refers to the sexual harassment which is done while offering employment benefits in return for sexual favours (Tseng, 2014, p.512). For instance, in the workplace, a supervisor offers pay raise or promotion and in return ask to satisfy the sexual demands. Usually, such harassment’s happens between the employee and the one who holds the power of decision. This type harassment also includes the threat of job loss or demotion and bad performance reviews in which the subordinate resist in giving the sexual favour and the one who is holding the power of decision. Whereas the other type of sexual harassment is known as the hostile environment in which that is frequently sexual comments are being passed, and requests or advances are being taken of sexual. Unlike quid pro quo, the threat is only limited to sexual advancement, not the job loss or any employment benefits are included. This type of sexual harassment is not just limited to one level but all level in the organisation (Trade Union Congress, 2016).
Research question 1: Gender difference perceptions of sexual harassment
This research question holds significance as both the genders have different perceptions in terms of sexual harassment. The harassment which is sexual can be a simple look, verbal comment or slight intentional touch but when it comes to women and men, the variation of these actions holds the different extents and degrees. It is a complicated procedure to define the perception which is different from one gender to another gender, the time and country to country. In this regard, the women have always been the victim of all forms of sexual harassment in comparison with men. Also, as compared to men the women consider each act of harassment offending and serious (Schutte, 2017).
Research question 2: How sexual harassment can give harmful effects on employee mental health
The sexual harassment is not limited to the specific acts and even the legal action (taken against harassment) doesn’t remove adverse effects on the mind and overall personality of the victim in short term. For this reason, the struggle is longer rather what the world sees it. The initial harassment act starts affecting the mental health and if notorious harassment continues, it further elevates psychological problems which triggers health related issues as well. The hostile workplace environment causes anxiety, stress and it’s also damaging for career. The mental health problems including the fear of losing the job also create barrier for the victim to report such incidents (Spector, 2017).
Critical Review of Academic Research Evidence
Research question 1: Gender difference perceptions of sexual harassment
Sexual harassment as an organisational problem can be defined as any type advances which are sexual, requesting for sexual favour or conducting physical acts which are sexual and all these acts are considered as offence by victim and by law. That disposition which is considered as sexual harassment includes the submission of the result of explicit or implicit advances in which the goal of the individual is attained, rejecting or submitting. This kind of sexual ambition that affects the individual in any way, or creating the hostile environment which eventually affects her performance as a result of that offensive or hostile environment. The major element which is the part of perception regarding sexual harassment is that it challenges and disturbed both the career and psychological well-being. Reportedly, from 19 to 60 percent of women workers at workplace fall victim of all or few of the types of sexual harassment (). In the light of this report, it can be perceived that one of the causes of sexual harassment is being engaged in social environment. The sexual harassment or sexual advances committed by colleague at any level at the workplace are all immoral and crimes. Moreover, it’s a mental torture for women and that is why all such heinous acts must be reported. In this regard, there are growing concerns about women getting seriously offended by such acts as compared to men. It leaves negative effect on performance as the mind gets badly distracted, those who do not respond positively to favours offered against sexual pleasure usually get low performance reviews by their boss.(Kennedy, 2017).
There are two types of sexual harassment which are observed at the workplace. The first one is Quid Pro Quo- refers to career advancement that is offered by asking women for sexual pleasures. Any other undesired moves which reflect sexual nature are considered second type of sexual harassment known as hostile environment. In the past, the reports on the quid pro quo type of sexual harassment were easily interpreted, and courts have dealt many of the cases with successful results as compared to hostile environment reports. There is a clarity in quid pro quo sexual environment as compared to the hostile environment because according to general perception, decision makers are in the position to influence female workers even if the selection is based on merit. Whereas, the sexual harassment of another type which is hostile environment is complicated to interpret because there are no other gains attributed to such incidents (Guy & Fenley, 2014).
If assuming the hostile environment, it also includes jokes or comments which are sexual in nature but are considered normal in social interaction when it comes to working place. That is why the perception regarding the sexual harassment should be taken into consideration to examine the hostile environment. The standards should be examined to identify the perception of both the genders to know that which comment or jokes and advancement which are sexual have the tendency to be considered a hostile environment. Any hostile environment is easily recognized when both of the genders deem any particular act as sexual harassment. In this regard, researchers have pointed out two factors that are perceived differently by both the genders. For men, some acts or remarks that women include in the category of sexual harassment raise questions than those of the normal jokes or fun. The point is, these acts shouldn’t be offensive to upset the job performance. The reason behind the existence of hostile sexual environment at the workplace is the difference in perception between men and women in terms of sexual harassment (Burke & Cooper, 2016).
A woman must determine as to which act falls in the definition of harassment irrespective of any perception by both genders. To clarify general perception about the hostile environment, researchers established few of the standards which are now taken into account to identify the harassment. In the past, there was a trend that what were the acts that are considered as sexual harassment by men and women and of course women deem certain acts/behaviour as sexual harassment. In the same way, few of the jokes, fun, teasing and remarks about women’s appearance bother women sexually more than man especially when such remarks are made at workplace. This is the reason why men think differently than women. In their opinion women shouldn’t always consider sexual remarks as harassment. The increase in reported cases of sexual harassment by women have now become just simple reports for men and they pay less attention to this. According to men’s viewpoint every act at workplace doesn’t come in the definition of harassment, women’s perception however differs in this regard. Whenever any sexual incident takes place anywhere around the world there is a general perception that man is always the culprit behind the scene and he was the perpetrator whereas, woman is a victim, but studies have demonstrated that men have also been harassed sexually. In women, the percentage of harassment was found to be 89% while 85% of men were sexually harassed according to all reports. Sexual harassment incidents mostly happen between the boss and subordinate as compared to colleagues at the same level. The study shows that women went through such experiences at the workplace either in the form of sexual remark or by the means of sexual advancement from the male (Pien Et al., 2015).
Another important point which should be considered in the perception differences between male and female regarding sexual harassment is that people mostly male pose the question to the victim that why did the woman not stop the harasser in the first place? Why did she let him advance? It is entirely the case when different perceptions matter as woman do ask them to stop which mostly didn’t help them. But in fact, just a simple act of stopping them even raises the chances of the harassment, the harasser may come up strongly next time. Sexual harassment acts may carry on until harasser receives punishment. Only, the gentle refusal from victim may not work effectively. Sexual harassment became the subject of paying much attention at workplaces in the UK but there are still some loopholes to address this issue. That is why this research paper focuses on examining the difference in the perception of sexual harassment among genders and how it affects to deal with. It is observed that sometimes victim overreacts after facing sexual harassment (verbal or touching), this is the reason why most people don’t believe the words of affected person and they seriously doubt about it. The difference in perception causes this doubt. Therefore, such difference must be addressed comprehensively and standards should be defined especially in the US so that specific acts could be labelled as sexual harassment. (Maulik, 2017).
The review of the literature from previous academic research is being conducted here so that it can also be identified what has been done so far to prevent such incidents. According to the Equality Act 2010, no one must be discriminated against on the bases of colour, age, sex and race. Therefore, any discrimination is illegal. Further, in the light of this act harassment is defined as the act or remark of a person that makes other person feel humiliated. The addition of clause VII in this act states that it is mandatory for employer to investigate and take necessary actions whenever any complaint is made. The protection of harassment act 1997 clearly prohibits individuals from adopting any act that can be attributed to harassment by any means. The protection act aimed to create harassment free environment at workplaces for the safety of workers. It further defines the act that fall in the category of harassment especially the harassment which is carried out intentionally. Therefore, this act serves as an encouragement tool for all the victims to come forward and present their case. Also, the equality act gives them protection. The primary objective of all these acts is to minimize harassments at workplace. As a result of the Equality act, several complaints and cases were brought forward which prompted employers to take the matter seriously and then rules were implemented at workplace according to Equality act 2010. There will be a clause in anti-sexual harassment policy which will ensure the privacy of complainant. If anyone is proven guilty (according to the policy), will be dismissed (McLaughlin, Uggen & Blackstone, 2017).
A comprehensive policy of sexual harassment demands the involvement of all stakeholders of the company to achieve better results. It will help to break the norms and belief to abuse the power and will discourage the attitudes which lead to the act of sexual harassment. In this regard, training must be provided to identify the workplace environment that eventually causes harassment or encourage harassers. In some organisations there is a culture of cracking dirty jokes and passing sexual remarks while in some it is considered indecent and sexual harassment act. Other notable things related to sexual harassment are inappropriate/unwanted touching or stalking co-workers. Therefore, proper training or workshops on sexual harassment create awareness among the employees in terms of their rights and it’ll also interpret the punishments that have been defined in the law for harassers. The employees of organization create an overall environment at workplace and that is why all of them should be on same page in order to define the limits as a preventive measure from sexual harassment (Glambek, Skogstad & Einarsen, 2018).
The policy to protect and prevent the victim from harassment hold equal significance. Therefore, focus must be laid upon the prevention first. Along with the prevention strategy the issue of difference in perception between males and females must be addressed. The involvement of both the genders will help the cause and it will also facilitate to overcome the difference of perceptions between two genders. Any unwanted or rude behaviour may not necessarily fall in the category of harassment. The male workers should play a positive role so that their female colleagues feel comfortable with a sense of security at workplace. In the same way, female workers should realize that some of the behaviours and verbal acts are not sexual harassment (Verkuil, Atasayi & Molendijk, 2015).
Research question 2: How sexual harassment can give harmful effects on employee mental health
Sexual harassment not only makes victim suffer single time but it leaves a long lasting negative impact on victim’s overall mental health. Study has proven that sexual harassment has severe implications in terms of victim’s overall wellbeing and mental health as it causes anxiety, depression and affects performance at workplace (Cortina & Berdahl, 2008). Therefore, it is imperative for the organisation to not only focus on the policies that deal with the challenge of sexual harassment but also provide facilitation to the victim with counselling afterwards. The study conducted by the BMC Public health on the organisation and the workers who have been the victim of sexual harassment by the co-worker or supervisor are more likely to develop depression and other mental health issues. The depression is not only caused by harassment from the co-workers but also when the employees experience sexual harassment from the clients and customers, and this aspect of sexual harassment has always been ignored. The depression that occurs as a result of sexual harassment must not be ignored as it causes other problems as well, the victim starts performing poorly which may result in her dismissal. Further, it could lead to another alarming thing and that is suicide attempt or development of suicidal tendencies. The organisation must not just develop policies on prevention of the sexual harassment, but also they should include the assistance mechanism to those who are the victims of the depression (Okechukwu et al., 2014).
There is a difference between sexual harassment by a colleague and by the third party. The harassment carried out by a co-worker increases the intensity of depression because of the common workplace. The shared workplace makes the victim think that the harassment is unavoidable and there are no other options other than complaint. The problem arises when it comes to making complaints because many victims don’t complain as perpetrator’s authority and position are fear factors for them. Proper counselling in this regard will serve the purpose of overcoming fear within the victim. Furthermore, another reason of stress is when the victim is working under one manager and harassed by the co-worker, it makes the victim think the manager should notice it because it is the expectation of workers to look after when working in the organisation (Okechukwu et al., 2014).
Irrespective of their types, all the sexual harassments cause continual distress. In fact, a colleague, a senior or a customer may be a harasser who can cause a stressful uncomfortable situation for the victim which then triggers mental health issues. Besides, it is the legal right of the victim to complain such acts and employer is under the legal obligation to deal with such issues (Einarsen & Nielsen, 2015).
Mostly, the harassment cases that are dealt within the workplace prove to be more effective than those in the courts because court only holds the perpetrator accountable without giving any caution to unaware employer. The authorities at the workplace also sometimes knowingly ignore such incidence, but when employers take notice, they give more support to the victim as compared to the courts. Recently, courts also started giving compensation to the victim in the name of compensatory damages which covers all the expenses of the psychological help of the victim, but still, only small number of victims were able to take such compensation (Quick & McFadyen, 2017).
The impacts of the sexual harassment also vary from victim to victim, and most of the victims are always left with long term psychological problems. Depression, anxiety and stress are the after effects of sexual harassments. Generally, sexual harassment is deemed as a social evil and that evil is not restricted to victim alone rather if also affects the people associated with victims. For example, if victim is a mother of children, she may not be able to focus on the upbringing of her kids which could be damaging for children’s career. Victim starts living in fear which is more damaging for her life, the sense of humiliation is embedded in overall personality. Further, victim becomes revengeful towards the society, she mostly considers whole society responsible for the appalling act of harassment that was faced by her. The reason behind considering workplace sexual harassment more effective and severe as compared to sexual harassment by any other third party in other places because office is the place where most of the time is spent after home and that is why some employees have very close associations with their workplaces and when their expectations shatter as a result of sexual harassment, they feel devastated.
All of these impacts of sexual harassment lead to financial stress, and the victim starts facing problems to meet the daily expenses. In this regard, a research conducted by National Council for Research shows the statistic of number of women who have left the job just because of the sexual harassment. It severely causes their jobs and career which should be intolerable for the society like where there is a law of equal opportunity employment. Living in a society in which it is a fundamental right of every citizen to live free, and equality to all should focus on the liberation of women by protecting from sexual harassment (Basford, Offermann & Behrend, 2014).
The other aspect of mental health problem is when the victim doesn’t report the harassment but rather taking self-help by leaving the job. It causes the financial problem which also affects the mental health. When the career of victim starts getting affected by switching job, it then causes them stress and anxiety even though they are equally working hard. According to a study the level of financial stress is high as a result of the sexual harassment experience faced by the victim during the initial stage of the career, it further leads to frequent job switching which is not good for a successful career. In order to provide employees safe environment, companies should adopt the policy of zero tolerance to sexual harassment by any means. This policy will support victim morally as only holding harasser accountable won’t be 100% ideal for victim. In this regard, organizations should implement effective policies that conveys the message loud and clear about unacceptability of any act of harassment. In case, any incident of harassment occurs then authorities should take a decision in such way that it could set an example for prevention of these acts in future. The mechanism of reporting should be strong enough so that victim doesn’t feel any fear of retaliation. The organizations should maintain confidentiality to encourage victim about reporting of any harassment act that is aimed at them. (Leskinen, Rabelo & Cortina, 2015).
Absence due to sexual harassments at work place also affects companies. If the victim is an efficient employee then company also suffers in terms of low productivity. Every organizations wants maximum efforts from employees. Therefore, responsibility to ensure safety of employees lies on the authorities of organization as well. In this regard, strong stance and effective play a vital role to avoid sexual harassment. This cost is not included the cost of legal or litigation.
The other aspect of sexual harassment is demonstration of power, control and authority. These are also associated with psychological damage because power that is shown to sexually harass woman is the result of her objectification. Women face sexual harassment more as compared to the men because by nature they are more sensitive and they often feel they are not treated in a respectful manner (Kennedy, D, 2017). In an organization, the men who are sitting at top level have greater responsibilities. If they exploit women by any means, they shouldn’t get away with such crime be it chairman or CEO of the company. Women work whole heartedly in organizations but when their trust shatters, it is so destructive for their personality and career. While the struggle for women continues, the men who see them with no importance show the audacity to harass them sexually (Page, Pina & Giner‐Sorolla, 2016).
The reporting mechanism should be proper to give support to complainant and even if the accused is proven innocent, the organization’s strong system and proper investigation mechanism should reflect the support and no tolerance policy for sexual harassment. Losing valuable employee shouldn’t be the option for the organisation regardless of any case.
According the researches, the evil of sexual harassment still exists at workplace despite several laws that are in place to prevent employees from their co-workers, bosses and supervisors. This indicates that controlling sexual harassment is one of the bigger challenges of the society. In this regard, further research is also being carried out about the mental health of victim with the other areas that are under discussion.
Dealing with sexual harassment issue is a daunting task as its intensity can’t be gauged. Regarding mental health, the victim requires long term rehabilitation process that should be developed to provide psychological help. Three basic steps in this regard play an instrumental role 1) Prevention of sexual harassment. 2) Responding to sexual harassment with a positive approach irrespective of any outcome. 3) Thorough and proper investigation. The law enforcement agencies alongside researches signify these three elements but victim’s mental health issue should be the priority under these circumstances.. As mentioned earlier, researchers have suggested the training programs that guide the victim to deal with harassment and how to deal with afterwards. The sexual harassment intervention model emphasizes on the proactive approach instead of reactive on. This further suggests the active participation of higher authorities of organization and law enforcement agencies if needed.. Including all these, support for the effects on mental health should be equally prioritised which helps in building the career, organisation’s benefit and empowerment to the victim emotionally (Kensbock et al., 2015).
This report has identified and provided the critical overview of the past literature which is available regarding both the aspects of sexual harassment and the difference in the perception and the mental issues. The different perception of gender-related to sexual harassment is one of the major reason which causes the hostile environment for the victim of sexual harassment. The number of the key point which has supported and presented different aspects of sexual harassment when it comes to perception. During the review of available literature, a level of understanding about the sexual harassment in the workplace was developed. Sexual harassment as an organisational issue can be defined as any type of advances which are sexual in nature, requesting for sexual pleasure or having physical act which are sexual, all such acts are considered as the offence by the one who is at the receiving end. That disposition which is considered to sexual harassment includes the submission of the result of explicit or implicit advances in which the goal of the individual is attained, rejecting or submitting. This kind of goals which affects the individual in any way, or creating the hostile environment for the individual which eventually affects the performance of that individual in the result of that offensive or hostile environment.
The evidence by the different researchers divides the sexual harassment into two types to develop the strong understanding. The first type is Quid Pro Quo; it means any kind of sexual harassment act or sexual favour that is asked with a promise of giving promotion in any organization. Other type is hostile environment which indicates undesired sexual moves or advances aimed at the or any undesired moves of sexual nature. In the past, the reports on the quid pro quo type of sexual harassment were easily defined and they were dealt on merit by court. . When it comes to the hostile environment, to clarify the gender perception researchers established few of the standards which now taken into account to identify the harassment. there is a perception difference between male and female about sexual harassment, males often pose the question that why did the women not attempt to stop the harasser in the first place. That is why this research paper will focus on examining the difference in the perception of sexual harassment among genders and how it effects in dealing with it. It can be seen that one of the most important reasons why the sexual harassment incidents happen in the workplace and at times people don’t believe victim straight forwardly because victim often overreacts, this is certainly the case of change in perception. this difference in perception must be bridged and in this regard standards must be defined in the UK. By doing so, specific acts could be classed as sexual harassment.
Section B:
Usefulness, potential Implications and Impact:
The usefulness of this research will possibly help to identify the followings points, which are the also the findings of the overall research:
- Types of sexual harassment in the workplace.
- Perception differences between genders.
- Reasonable standard women defined by the United States of America
- How the co-workers and supervisor can harass the victim.
- What motivates the harasser to conduct such act?
- What are the impacts of sexual harassment on the victim?
The two types of sexual harassment which were identified during the critical analysis of the previous literature can provide help to the business work by attributing to each sector. In the past, the reports on the quid pro quo type of sexual harassment were easily interpreted, and courts have dealt several of the cases with successful results as compared to hostile environment reports. As mentioned earlier regarding the help it could provide, every sector has their nature of work. Seeking the help of these two can help creating policy when it comes to the supervisor, co-worker and the customer dealing. The flaw which is found during the research in the business world that the employer gives more priority to customers who will give them profit rather focusing on the workers which undermine their credibility. The policies and focus of the organisation should be on the employees’ safe working environment (Holland et al., 2016).
The findings of the research also include the perception which should be considered by all the policymakers and the authority of the organisation. Perception leads to the cultural development of the organisation and in this type of environment there are few of the acts which employees started not to take as sexual harassment. But few employees are uncomfortable in such environment (Miner & Cortina, 2016).
In the past, if consider what men and women perceive as sexual harassment and which gender consider more acts of harassment then women are more likely to consider the more behavioural act as harassment. In the same way, few of the jokes, fun, teasing and looks remarks which are bothered sexual women more than men especially when those remarks are presented in a workplace. It could be the reason why men think differently than women because in their opinion women shouldn’t always consider sexual remarks as harassment because they are merely verbal. In men’s perception, every act is not harassment, and that The general perception around the world whenever an incident happens, the man will always be considered to be a perpetrator and woman as the victim, but studies have also revealed that men have also been the victim of sexual harassment on frequent basis. The difference in the perception should be identified and communicated while creating the policy in the corporate offices. The communication is the core of the business, and it should be defined as clearly as possible (Jiang et al., 2015).
The other most significant impact which was found during the critical analysis was the psychological effect on the victim.
The implications of this research are the difference in the perception and the psychological issues faced by the victims. The study shows that both genders face the sexual harassment because it’s all about creating the uncomfortable environment and to gain the hidden agenda. Sometimes the harasser is seeking sexual favours and there are some other benefits which can be taken from such acts. Sexual harassment works differently for both the genders and that is the reason behind the changed perception. The psychological problems which were ignored all this while show that the reason for low performance and employee’s turnover are due to the sexual harassment impacts on the mental wellbeing(Dunlap et al., 2015).
Research Recommendations
The results show in the study which can be recommended to the future researchers that include few of the points which need in-depth knowledge. The perception which causes the sexual harassment and the mental health affected by the sexual harassment. Both are the important points which are hidden and ignored by the past researchers. The laws which are being created doesn’t include these two points in any clause. The organisation rather reactive to any sexual harassment case first needs to look at the environment which is created by them and the employees. The future research should be based on the environment which leads the sexual harassment (Lea, R, 2017). The findings suggest that differences in the perception among males and females are the reason most the sexual harassment cases. In a working environment where the jokes which are sexual is common can lead to such incidents. The other significant reason is the position of female employees which undermines their credibility. Therefore, perception, mental health and women’s credibility should be the focus of future research. These points should be related to the culture and environment of the organisation. The victims instead of brining the incident into the notice of authorities, choose to leave the organization. The future study should focus specifically on the female worker’s performance, turnover and sexual harassment. The proposed model here will help in strengthening the working environment for both the genders. It will clear the limits and businesses can implement those findings so that the number of incidents could be minimised.
After completing this Business Research Report, in my opinion, the amount of knowledge which I have gained throughout the exploration of sexual harassment topic, policies related to it, laws and the impacts have greatly contributed in the better understanding of challenges which business world face in the workplace. It developed the skills of undertaking this research, critical analysis of issues and to take all the implications into account when deciding both my personal life and in the professional life. Particularly, the learning related to the policies developed and implemented such policies regarding sexual harassment within the corporate sector, and I am greatly inspired the amount of insight this research topic has given me. In the future, while pursuing for the career in the business world, I will be able to demonstrate my knowledge of the challenges organisation faces and implement the knowledge for the benefit of organisation and enhancement of my potential.
The amount of knowledge which I have gathered through this particular research project, I feel such skills and knowledge made me aware of the rational ways of writing and thinking out of the box. This research project contributed in my writing skill in a way that was writing solely by description is no longer needed but providing my thoughts and knowledge into the analysis provided me important knowledge of the topic. In this research project, presenting my idea have made me able to demonstrate my knowledge and provided the chance to analyse the previously available research on the issue critically. The confidence which I have gathered from this project through assessing the academic literature and using the sources will help in future.
The skill which I have learned also include the search of relevant academic sources which is the core of research in a professional manner. The time which was spent on the gathering of data provided how I can manage the time while working on projects. There were several arguments in all the sources which I have found, some of them were similar, and some were opposite, this helps me identified which is the credible source regarding the authenticity of the argument. Both the reports contributed to the knowledge of researching because linking the relevant information was needed. The other most significant reason of great learning which this project gave me was the analysis of relevant data on one question, and on the other question, the lack of data made me realise the gap of past researchers.
The confidence which I have gained through this project due working on it independently proved my abilities, and I will be able to work on projects in future easily. It was not an easy task, and I have encountered difficulties in the start, but I have taken the guidance from the notes and lectures which I am glad about.
This project has contributed greatly to the future perspective of employability, and I will be able to secure position in the business world by the skills I have learnt from this project. This project will be the example of my skills and knowledge to the employers. The knowledge which I have gained through this project will help me demonstrate in the interview. The writing and analytical thinking which I have gained will be positive points in the chance of getting the better job. Such skills which include time management and working independently are desirable skills for the managers. The project was long enough to prove my abilities to the employers that I have the great amount of knowledge and I am self-motivated to work with the crucial skill which is needed in the workplace.
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