Academic Master


Imperialism Question Answers

Question 1

The gear towards the late 19th century is referred to as new imperialism were the European countries took a different approach in taking up colonies. During this era, the Europeans made their way into Asia and Africa and settled there merging with the people they found before taking up the mantle of leadership (Cain, et al. 2014). This was unlike in the former imperialist era where they could move in and chase away the natives only to remain behind as the owners of the land.

Question 2

After the Europeans had invaded the countries and changed them into their colonies, there was a dramatic change in the way people viewed their territorial boundaries. With the introduction of new governance approaches, countries could now associate themselves with a certain state or country whose boundaries had been brought about by the Europeans. For instance in Africa, the current states can be said to have been a result of colonialism, and as it was during this time that international boundaries were drawn.

Question 3

The main aim of the colonizers was to spread their way of life to the rest of the world. As a result of colonization, most of their societies changed their view of life as a result of the values that were forced on them. Western education and the spread of Christianity can be seen to have been a result of imperialism.

Question 4

One way how the imperialists justifies their actions was that they took it as their responsibility being the superior race to civilize and Christianize the native persons (Westra & Richard 2015). This was referred to as the white man’s burden and was based on the ideas of social Darwinism. The second justification was that the imperialists had been mandated by God to dominate the world. They were therefore supposed to conquer the rest of the world in a bid to acquire the limited resources required to run their economies.

Works Cited

Cain, Peter J., and Antony G. Hopkins. British Imperialism: 1688-2000. Routledge, 2014.

Westra, Richard. “In the Tracks of Imperialism.” Journal of Contemporary Asia 45.4 (2015): 677-692.



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