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the issue of immigration ban In the USA and potential future risks


The world in which we live in our territories has different cultures, norms, and historical backgrounds, where we have some laws to live by and some people who govern the land with regard to its administration, legislation, and judiciary, which is conjointly called government. The public elected representatives run it and are always responsible for good and bad going in the country on individual, community, state or international levels. The functioning of this system is a social term known as Politics.

The United States of America is a world superpower but somehow it looks like it’s going to fail after the racist and phobia-based policies of Donald Trump. The US is better in many things but there are some political issues taking place after the white house got into the hands of Trump, and the public is concerned too with these all changes happening out there. Nowadays there is a rise between countries, funding procedures have been changed and social budgets have been cut which has never been seen in the history of America. While America is a diverse country where different kinds of people live, and they are permanent citizens, America is built by the blood and day-night effort of different backgrounds people, which cannot be ignored, but unfortunately, I think this will be stopped as trump policies are getting worse day by day on immigration.

Immigration is developing a source for the US social, economic and political factors while the immigration banning is nowadays the most discussed issue at the public and diplomatic level as policies are changing and we see America having no interest in providing refuge, asylum and citizenship to the other country people. In this paper, we will discuss the issue with its identification and what risks could be developed later on in different dimensions.



The order which is known as the Travel ban or Muslim ban in Public Executive Order 13769 gives the title of Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States which was issued by Donald Trump in 2017. It brought out the biggest changes in the immigration process at the time when Syria was facing a big crisis and in need of refuge from the world. Many countries accepted them and some treated them well which was a procedure of the US government but unfortunately snatched this golden opportunity for the new resource. The US Refugee admission program was ready to host 50,000 refugees but after this order, they suspended it, and they changed the criteria for usually Muslim countries like Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Syria with concern to home security. In this term, more than 800 travellers mostly Muslims and 58,000 visas were revoked provisionally and provisionally[1].

There are concerns of a congressman, and they have passed comments against this from both parties. In this Jim Bridenstine says “I will support the physical security of border which is important for us the security of nation while this order is disturbing the diversified nature of the country. We have a history of hosting immigrants and taking their services regarding social and economic development which will make them feel threatened in this phobic environment.”

Sam Johnson says “Besides making travelling band we should work on developing law against illegal immigration while this legal immigration is the source of development and will help definitely to grow the US economy further with the flow of labour and skilful human resource.”

Looking at the Executive order and comments we can see how concerning the issue is and it can develop some alarming risk factors which can affect the United States of America badly[2].

Risk Factors

By linking it to the Trump ban, it can create some risk factors which ultimately affect the United States of America’s economic status as it has already improved from many of last years because of our different warfares in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The main risk has been identified as the loss of potential labour and workers. As we can see, many unskilled and skilled labourers come from the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin countries, which play a major role in the economy’s development, are easy to avail of and work on normal wages. Also, the state gets taxes from them, which helps sustain the country immediately [3].

Foreign policy impacts and barriers for international business ventures would come out with time because they would not feel secure with their investment if they were kicked out. While many American people work in Arab countries if their policy changes with regard to America we will have a great burden on the economy. If the exports and trade that we are providing to these countries are affected, it will also create a mega impact.


The world is now progressing day by day as many underdeveloped countries are now on the list of developed countries, the world is now living as one unit while territorial boundaries are now symbolic of its period of globalization where we are not away from each other but getting close to each other every day. Immigration is a source of sustaining a diversified culture of America and labour flow situation, while our economy is in need of new investors and innovative approaches for development to regulate the country boosting in the economic arena because this world now doesn’t believe in your ammunition, territory and arm power but your economic sustainability.

PART 2: Electoral College


The electoral college system in the United States of America is not a place; it is a mechanism established under the Constitution of the US for the indirect election conducted for president and vice president. The citizens vote in each state and are going to make sure to vote for the particular candidate of the two different parties. The Electoral College has more than 500  electors responsible for voting, and they influence the selection of presidents and vice presidents of the United States of America. When voters go to the poll and choose their electors, the candidate who is covering the majority of the votes from the population will receive the presidential seat. The 538 is the total sum for the nation’s 435 representatives with three electors from Columbia and all over 100 senators.


After every four years, the cycle voter goes to the polls and selects the president of the US and vice president. The candidate getting the most voters in a state wins the electoral votes assigned by proportional representation. The remaining electoral votes are not properly used and are allotted to districts to the district congress. The winner will be able to take all over systems in the 48 states and fully around the United States of America.

Pros and Cons

The Electoral College has a system that is in touch with historical roots and reflects the popular vote. It gives an opportunity for the people living in smaller states to value their votes with constitutional values in California is an example for it, which has 12.3% of the US Population which represents around 10% of college total votes, in Wyoming. It is based populated in the electoral college with .56% votes but has a population of 0.18% of the total US Population. It also protects the minority interest and their proper participation in the country’s political scenarios. It Directs power all over in the hands of states and facilitates the two-party systems within good nature.

If we look at it, it seems the disadvantage of this mechanism, which is the most concern all over, is that the person favoured by a majority might not be able to win the elections, which has happened five times in the history of the US. The case we can match the 2016 elections between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Mostly, we have seen Clinton’s popularity in different scenarios, but now we see Trump ruling over the presidential seat. Clinton received more than 3 million votes, which is also considered the highest vote-receiving presidential candidate. When it came to Electoral College on December 16, 2016, Trump received 304 votes and Clinton 227 with seven electors defecting to other choices. Clinton covered major states, and she was dominating it, while it has happened in history the most popular are John Quincy Adams and Rutherford B. Hayes. Mostly, it makes the population feel that their vote does not matter which encourages them to stay home and waste their time voting because the popular vote is based on the majority while the electoral college consists of reallocating votes every ten years because of changes in population rate [4].

Comments on the Electoral College systems

Hillary Clinton opposed the Electoral College, in her one interview about her book she said it should be eliminated because it affects the popular public votes and people feel their votes are worthless in the system[5]. Also in 2012, Donald Trump said the electoral college was a Disaster for democracy but he won due to that and didn’t even stand on his stance he gave this comment on the winning of Barack Obama against Mitt Romney[6].

The electoral college is a disturbance for the public and makes votes worthless of the public stood with to eliminate it from the system.

End Notes

Winkler, Melissa Brooke. “Executive Order Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States: Violating First Amendment Rights or Altering Constitutional Provisions Granting Foreign Policy Powers to the President.” Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law Review 34 (2017): 79., Ran, and Leah Boustan. “Immigration in American Economic History.” Journal of Economic Literature 55, no. 4 (December 2017): 1311–45.

Logan, Bryan. “Hillary Clinton Says the Electoral College ‘Needs to Be Eliminated.’” Business Insider. Accessed February 2, 2018.

Snopes. “Donald Trump Described the Electoral College as a ‘Disaster’ in 2012.”, November 10, 2016.

Van Wesep, Edward D. “The Idealized Electoral College Voting Mechanism and Shareholder Power.” Journal of Financial Economics 113, no. 1 (July 1, 2014): 90–108.

Wadhia, Shoba Sivaprasad. “Is Immigration Law National Security Law.” Emory Law Journal 66 (2017 2016): 669.

Winkler, Melissa Brooke. “Executive Order Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States: Violating First Amendment Rights or Altering Constitutional Provisions Granting Foreign Policy Powers to the President.” Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law Review 34 (2017): 79.

  1. Abramitzky, Ran, and Leah Boustan. “Immigration in American Economic History.” Journal of Economic Literature 55, no. 4 (December 2017): 1311–45.

[1] Melissa Brooke Winkler, “Executive Order Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States: Violating First Amendment Rights or Altering Constitutional Provisions Granting Foreign Policy Powers to the President,” Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law Review 34 (2017): 79,

[2] Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia, “Is Immigration Law National Security Law,” Emory Law Journal 66 (2017 2016): 669,

[3] Ran Abramitzky and Leah Boustan, “Immigration in American Economic History,” Journal of Economic Literature 55, no. 4 (December 2017): 1311–45,

[4] Edward D. Van Wesep, “The Idealized Electoral College Voting Mechanism and Shareholder Power,” Journal of Financial Economics 113, no. 1 (July 1, 2014): 90–108,

[5] Bryan Logan, “Hillary Clinton Says the Electoral College ‘Needs to Be Eliminated,’” Business Insider, accessed February 2, 2018,

[6] Snopes, “Donald Trump Described the Electoral College as a ‘Disaster’ in 2012,”, November 10, 2016,



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