Academic Master


How Do I Write Catchy Subheadings?


Do you find it difficult to keep your attention on a text for more than a minute? Welcome to the club. I hardly know anyone anymore who can quietly read a page in a book or magazine without the urge to “look up something quickly” on a smartphone or tablet.

Unfortunately, your texts are not immune to that either. But you can help your reader to keep his or her attention on your text. How? By writing catchy subheadings. With the following three tips you can now write subheadings that keep your readers on their toes.

Welcome to this blog, with every episode three points & tricks to improve your web copy. This blog aims to make you an even better writer.

Point 1: See Them As ‘Signposts’ To Keep Your Reader Focused

The second tip for writing catchy subheadings is: See them as “signposts” that will keep your reader focused. Your readers have to resist many distractions and temptations while reading, such as in-text links, advertisements, and of course external impulses like notifications on their smartphones and people around them.

A well-written essay headings and subheadings shows the reader the way, as it were, by acting as a beacon. To get back to my diet article example. Another subheading could be: “From digestion to metabolism”. Here you can see that there is a logical structure in the story.

Point 2: Name The Direct Benefit For Your Reader

The first tip for writing catchy subheadings is: to state the immediate benefit your reader will get from reading the paragraphs below them… Try not only to describe what is in the paragraphs below the subheading but also mention what results in your reader is getting may expect.

Suppose you write an article with tips to lose weight quickly. Then a subheading can be: “How your digestive system works”. But much better than this subheading: “Let your digestion work for you”. Can you feel the difference? The first is content-oriented, and the second is benefit-oriented.

Point 3: The Subheadings Together Form All Your Main Message

The third tip for catchy subheadings is: If possible, use them to summarize your article. Write your subheadings in such a way that a super impatient, head-hunting reader also gets your most important message.

Make sure that your subheadings actually already read one after the other as a short summary of the full text. An example of the Media web website. There, the page ‘Why Media web?’ has the following subheadings: “We have been digital natives since 1995.” “We saw online hypes come and go.” ” But some are game-changers…” ”…forcing organizations to adapt.” ”And that’s where we can help you.” “The coffee is ready.” A reader who only rushes the headings will still get the most important message in this way…

I’ll list the three tips for catchy subheadings for you:

1) State the direct benefit for your reader in the paragraphs below.

2) Use them as signposts that keep your reader focused. And

3) Write your subheadings in such a way that they form a short summary of your article one after the other, so that even the most impatient reader still gets your most important message.


From now on, write super catchy subheadings for digital essay. Name the direct benefit for your reader; See them as ‘signposts’ to keep your reader-focused, and The subheadings together form all your main message… Just hit publish!



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