Academic Master


Hobbies during Covid-19

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, I took my routine for granted and did not pay attention to my hobbies as these were just “everyday things”, I did. When the pandemic was declared and a global lockdown was initiated, I realized how much I missed going out on small walks, casually going into the shops, just window shopping and eating out every chance I got. The first few weeks were extremely difficult as adjusting to a new routine in which your activities were limited was extremely depressing but slowly I started to develop new interests. Initially, I idly binged on seasons on different streaming sites but that got me boring fast as I realized I was wasting my time. I did not get enough exercise so I started a workout routine to be moderately active and it helped in improving my mood.

I watched videos to see how different people were coping with the lockdown and found de-cluttering videos. I enjoyed watching these then I also started to reorganize my space and got rid of the things I did not need. This gave me a fresh space to start another hobby but I did not want to start a big project that I might not finish so I started with casual gaming. It was a fun way to pass the time. I made a few new friends through online gaming which helped as during lockdown, social interaction was dwindling and I was missing it. Another hobby I tried to get into and I am glad that I did is book reading. It opened up new worlds and I was able to leave this reality without the worry of the pandemic. It was an extremely refreshing experience.

I chose these activities as they helped me relieve the stress built up due to the pandemic. I did not feel like I was wasting away, instead I felt a sense of purpose when I exercised, read books and played with others. It make me active, learning new things through books and people’s experiences. I felt thankful for what I have. If money was not an option then I would like to invest in a better gaming setup, build a small in-house gym and a small library. Other than that, I would also love to travel because staying confined in one place for more than a year made me realize that I have seen nothing and would love to explore the World.



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