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increasing threats to online security and the necessity for updated security measures


Technology has rapidly overwhelmed the modern world. Everything we do, personal or business involves technology one way or the other. Cybersecurity is becoming more relevant with time as big corporations and small businesses remain the top targets for hackers.  Small companies have more tendency to be affected by these attacks as they lack the necessary infrastructure to secure online security. The Ponemon Institute, 2017 reports, a drastic increase in these attacks in 2017 with a 6 percent rise from the previous year. Data breaches were up to 54 percent from 50 percent in 2016. Businesses need a more secure solution to this problem and for that awareness and training sessions about cybersecurity and their prevention are essential. Organizations must design, implement, and upgrade security measures and conduct core security checks (Ericsson, 2010).

Current Situation

According to research conducted by the Ponemon Institute 2017, a 6 percent increase in online security threats and cyber-attacks is observed, increasing every year. Each year promises faster internet but also increases the risks of being attacked by hackers especially if the company has weak security links.

This year, three significant threats to small businesses concerning cybersecurity were posed.

Causes and Effects

  1. Internet of Things leakages: The Internet of Things lacks built-in security and hence an easy target for hackers. The most common way to hack IoT devices hackers use is by locating the IoT devices and then using admin credentials to log in. Most users do not change default admin login information and compromise security. Hackers can take control of the device completely.
  2. Vague Algorithm: Using more algorithms to interact with devices eventually results in losing visibility into working and networking with the organization’s system. We are developing systems that are more critical of algorithms daily, and the lack of proper interaction between algorithms causes incidents. To ensure safety, an organization should have a human observe the implementation of tasks and hand over decisions to algorithms. Updating the code maintenance strategy is another way to secure the system.
  3. Neglecting security warnings from researchers: Researchers are often silenced by companies that cannot secure their data and risk users’ online security. Researchers will likely reveal the vulnerabilities often hidden by corporations instead of fixing them to the public for more secure systems. Those organizations that work with researchers to continually identify weaknesses are more successful than those fighting with legal actions (Choo, 2011).

Project Plan

The majority of the security concerns related to the Internet of Things depend upon the development of the device and the technologies used to build it. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the importance of choosing an IT solution for your business. Small setups do not have resources to obtain maximum security but taking some simple steps can improve the overall safety.

Precautions to prevent security breaches:

  • Strong Password: The first and most essential yet straightforward step is to create a strong password. People usually do not tend to pay attention to passwords and select patterns that are easy to remember. The banking environment is just as quickly targeted as any other system and having a weak password can lead to serious vulnerability.
  • Strong Security Policy: Another way to shield your small business from cyber-attacks is to improve security protocols and ensure consistent implementation. The approach must fill through all features of the business, personnel must be made aware of it, and proper steps must take place to ensure they adopt it.
  • Install Anti-virus/malware: It is important to install a malware function on your company systems to avoid any suspicious activity. Anti-viruses have more problem-specific functions and are used to target specific viruses. Therefore, it’s better to have an extra layer of security.
  • Data Encryption: Encrypting your data is making passwords for your data through software. Encrypting your data before uploading it to the company’s servers or cloud is vital. A user cannot access the data without the other password generated by encryption software.
  • Network security: The company should use WPA2 standard Wi-Fi and have a complicated password (Abawajy 2014).


The use of technology and its threat in terms of vulnerability is inevitable. Most companies do not understand the intensity of cyber-crimes and how to prevent them, especially for small businesses. It can be extremely challenging for companies to have sensitive data to protect their customer’s privacy. To minimize the hazards of hacking, organizations should conduct awareness programs and train their employees according to modern norms. Taking a few easy steps can lessen the potential danger such as having a strong security policy, Installing and updating anti-malware software regularly, using encrypted data, and tightening network security.


Abawajy, J. (2014). User preference of cyber security awareness delivery methods. Behavior & Information Technology, 33(3), 237-248.

Choo, K. K. R. (2011). The cyber threat landscape: Challenges and future research directions. Computers & Security, 30(8), 719-731.

Ericsson, G. N. (2010). Cybersecurity and power system communication—essential parts of smart grid infrastructure. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 25(3), 1501-1507.



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