Academic Master



Grief defines the situation of a person after losing something which is very important to him or her. Grief has much importance in the field of nursing because when one does not know what kind of pain or can be said mental pain a patient is having how can someone treat his/her patient? So after acknowledging the situation of his/her patient they can go further for treatment.

Literature review:

There are many problems that occur during the process of grief, and there are many ways that can cause grief, one’s parent’s death, a student’s death, and a sibling’s death can be the cause of grief. To understand this one needs to have some serious intentions towards the victim of grief and only then this can be lowered.

Many studies have shown that grief can be dangerous for a whole society not just for the personal self who is in the condition of grief. Sometimes when someone is in a situation of grief and suddenly, a thought comes to his mind that the death of someone loved or any other big loss was because of society or that fixed area of people. So then there is a big chance that there can be many deaths and many people will be caught by the ghost of grief as one is comforting themselves and putting others in grief.


There are many attributes of grief some of these are discussed below.

  1. Forget Fullness (Person forgets the most simple tasks, like forgetting important files, forgetting keys in the car, and many other things).
  2. Disorganization (Person usually cannot do the task at the proper time or within the time limit he normally does that task).
  3. Lowered Tolerance level (Person does not tolerate simple topics, and his nature becomes very furious).
  4. Lack of Motivation (Person gets himself less motivated by the things he does, and one can say that he becomes lazy).


There are some consequences of grief.

  1. Physical Effects (there can be suicidal ideas in someone‘s mind, hyperactivity, fatigue, nightmare, insomnia, and many others).
  2. Psychological Effects (these effects can be depression, anxiety, panic attacks, hallucinations, and regression about some things of the past).

And there can be effects on one’s social life. In which there can be a lack of enjoyment in the things which usually one had to have great interest and showed love. A person gets away from your relatives, and there is a great decrease in the performance of offices and any working places.

Empirical Referents:

There are actually no big instruments that can be used for measuring the level of grief, but somehow the level of blood pressure and brain working level can show a quantitative level of grief but usually, the ways of calculating grief level are letting the patient get to the high level which he has and the examining and analyzing the condition.


If nurses are just told how they should provide care to the patient during the terminal phase is inadequate. The way of caring for the patient needs a lot of experience in the field of nursing. The nurses better consider the most qualified and effective educational ways to nurture the skills for treating a patient in this kind of treatment rather than waiting for themselves to have experienced life. Implementation of grief treatment is an opportunity for getting feedback on the care nurses to provide. Grief care provides motivation and encouragement for nursing and maintains mental health.



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