Academic Master


Gender Socialization

Different attitudes and behaviors are expected from both girls and boys by society. Gender socialization is termed as the impacting knowledge on different behaviors on the basis of gender. Girls are brought up in conformity to the female role while boys are raised in conformity to the gender male role. Gender role refers to the personal traits, character, attitude, and behavior that are encouraged and expected of the individual on the basis of sex. According to social sciences, institutions refer to mechanisms and structures of social comparison and order aimed at regulating peoples’ behavior in society. These institutions are defined by the role of social permanents and purpose transcending society lives while setting and enforcing a set of rules which govern the human corporation and behavior. The gender socialization institutions are family, school, and the media.


Family is viewed as the main source of influence on socialization. In other words, the family is the initial agent of socialization. A child acquires the initial behaviors through the family which in turn, defines the overall moral conduct in the future. The family institution is significant since it sires the first civilized behaviors. In this essence, the masculine and the feminine gender roles begin in the family. Additionally, families play vital in influencing one’s identity, emotional health, and personality. It is evident that parents socialize differently with both daughters and sons, for example, boys are allowed to be independent and free at an early stage than girls, and they are less counseled on appropriate eating habits and clothing. They are also free from carrying out domestic duties and other household chores which are termed feminine. On the other hand, girls’ freedom and independence are limited as they are expected to be generally obedient, passive, and nurturing and as well assume almost all household tasks.


The school also plays a vital role in socialization for both girls and boys within society. The school nurtures the behavior already acquired from the family. In schools, socialization occurs through official, social or hidden curriculum. The official and social curriculum includes the behaviors gained by the students from their teachers which also influence their morals. The school teaches the children about their roles, good behaviors, and attitudes within the society within their gender. Subsequently, the hidden curriculum involves a process of learning the rules and attitudes which are required to function effectively in organized groups. Schools also take the formal role in imparting knowledge which is significant in the adult functioning within the society.


The media institutions include television, music, movies, and radios among others. Socialization occurs through radio shows and television programs which are usually commercialized and are effective in helping children develop the right norms and morals in society. They educate on the male and female roles in society depending on the type of media. Programs like an advertisement by celebrities and soap operas have a wide impact as they influence the society’s lifestyle in both negative and positive ways.

In conclusion, the inheritance of ideologies and social norms is significant and, therefore, schools, media, and family play a vital role in the process of acquiring and inheriting these desired norms and characters aimed at describing the moral behavior of the people in the society. However, the socialization process and institutions can lead individuals to acquire undesirable behavior. In these assertions, the gender role socialization process within schools, media and families may these to negative future bad attitudes but in most cases cause the development of a positive moral society.


Benokraitis, N. V. (2017). Introduction to Sociology (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.



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