Academic Master


Disparities of behavior and skills between genders in human societies

Question 1

Sex differences in human societies in behaviors and abilities have been a question of public and scientific interest. Assumptions are usually made that females are more socially oriented and skillful than males. Early childhood is a crucial time for tremendous growth across all stages of development. At this point in development, children begin to develop fine motor skills, accompanied by rapid language and cognitive development changes.

Different cultures find great consistency in the desired gender role behavior. Society believes that males should be independent, assertive, and competitive. On the other hand, females are seen to be more supportive, sensitive, and passive in their characters. There are several different characteristics and development behaviors between males and females. Girls since birth are said to be neurological and physically boys have mature muscular development but are very vulnerable in terms of hereditary anomalies and diseases. Girls excel in verbal skills early on while boys excel in math and visual-spatial skills. Boys are more aggressive while girls are nurturing. The excellent performance ability of boys in mathematics is due to their spatial visual abilities (Lawson, 2015).

In early childhood, this becomes an apparent pattern of play. It appears in the segregated gender playgroups as well as toy preference. Boys’ plays are rough and tumble while girls are not involved in aggressive behavior instead, they shy away from them.

Question 2

As I was growing up I developed a sense of believing and gaining self, a self-concept due to the mass influence attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs that I was exposed to. Parental guidance played a bigger role in realizing what was required of me and realizing what it means to be a female or male and some of the various activities that I was required to do according to my sexuality, what was expected of me.

Question 3

Individualism collectivism is one of the cultural syndromes with the most significant cultural differences. Individualism emphasizes personal achievement and freedom. According to individualist culture awards to personal accomplishments such as personal innovations, discoveries, or humanitarian achievements make every individual stand out as their own. Collectivism on the other hand is the opposite of individualism. Collectivism emphasizes the broad aspect of individuals in a larger group, encouraging conformity and discouraging ones from standing out and dissenting Tamm, 2015).

Enhancement is the best approach to protecting your self-concept from negative criticism or attitudes towards yourself. Surveys have been carried out to avoid cultural biases on individual self-concepts. The results show that positive relationships and enhancements are a way of sharing psychological well-being, emotional adjustment, and other behaviors. Self-concept must benefit individuals and should be actively seen in individualist cultures as everyone is unique and their characteristics are independent (Tamm, 2015).

Therefore, individuals should have a positive attitude toward themselves and maintain a positive self-concept for self-enhancement and development. In addition according to individualists, they should believe that everyone should take care of themselves positively despite how the societies view them. People should view themselves positively even if society has negative views of them. For self-concept and self-development, one should focus on achieving one’s goals rather than those of society, group, or tribe. However, it is not bad to depend on society for self-development, but individual views on themselves matter a lot.


Lawson, K. M., Crouter, A. C., & McHale, S. M. (2015). Links between family gender socialization experiences in childhood and gendered occupational attainment in young adulthood. Journal of vocational behavior90, 26-35.

Tamm, A. (2015). Conflicts and their management in early childhood and adolescence (Doctoral dissertation).

Cite a Website – Cite This For Me. (2018). Retrieved 11 February 2018, from



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