Academic Master

Business and Finance

Food Marketing Strategies versus Tobacco Marketing

Food companies have always been sensitive to their adverts, knowing what elements of temptation to add to make their product more appealing to the customer. In the past, these adverts were limited, and things were in control. However, competition has arisen, and as such, their strategies have changed as well.

More companies enter the market on a daily basis, trying to push their product through the heaps of other similar products. This practice of effective marketing has pushed beyond the limits of a controllable market, giving rise to obesity levels. Many concerned public health advocates are raising their concerns over this matter, arguing that these marketing campaigns by food companies are not that different from tobacco companies.

Furthermore, researchers in this area have discovered the tactics employed by food companies that promote their products through the use of clever marketing strategies that aim to distract customers and regulate bodies. These strategies are aimed at diverting attention from the fact that these food items have become reasons for high diabetes levels, increasing obesity, and giving rise to other chronic diseases. Tobacco companies had the decency of leaving innocent children out of their targeted audience; however, food companies specifically target children since they can be easily tempted into buying the product (Kraak, Gootman, and McGinnis 2006). These companies also deflect all forms of blame by pushing reasons for obesity on the customer, who they claim has the sole option of choosing the way they consume these products.

All points considered and explained, in comparison to the tobacco company, the food companies are no different presently. They have employed the same marketing tactics, and the government has authorized relevant health departments to formulate and execute laws to bring forth order and implement a limit on the distribution of Junk Food.


Kraak, V. I., Gootman, J. A., & McGinnis, J. M. (Eds.). (2006). Food marketing to children and youth: threat or opportunity?. National Academies Press.



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