Academic Master


Farmer’s Fridge Machine

Farmer’s Fridge is a Chicago-based firm, which sells salads through vending machines. The firm seeks to add more than 200 sites shortly while potentially expanding into Midwest markets. The firm seeks to increase the accessibility of healthy food for the workers.

Customers usually purchase salads at fridges by ordering such fridges on a touchscreen. The touch screen is technologically aided and has software installed that will enable the consumers to pinpoint the type of fridge they want. After selecting the fringe of their choices, the order is packed and then sent to the clients. Moreover, this process is facilitated by the touch screen software that will link to a new application. Thus, when using the app, consumers will have an opportunity to check the inventory of the close Farmers’ fridge apparatus, and access rewards services which have been customized for their accounts.

After ordering the Farmers Fridge machine through the online platform, customers exceeded their products in processing and shipped to the process quickly. Moreover, through an app, customers will be able to apply to order the products through their phones and complete the transaction process. The reason is that most consumers have smartphones that can access the internet. In the previous year, Danone Ventures was part of a fresh trend of huge consumer packaged products companies initiating venture capital coffers to invest in smaller firms better associated with rising consumer cravings for food regarded as fresh and natural.

In summary, online ordering of a product has remained to be a choice of buying method that most customers prefer. This is aided by software, the app, which will enable the customers to see the products and order them.



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