Academic Master

Environmental Science

Experiment: Whether Salt can be Cleared from the Water of the Sea

The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether salt can be cleared from the water of the sea.

  • • Why not drink salt water?
  • • How much water does a person need every day?
  • • Why do people have water to live?
  • • What are the actions used for safe drinking water?

Fresh water is the most important thing one must survive. You can do it without food for several weeks, but only a few days without water to kill the healthiest people. Although the soil is covered by 70% water, only 3% of this water is fresh. Many associations impact on a lack of water each year, and some scientists think that if the climate dramatically changes, there is a serious cause of water in the world. Getting a way to prepare drinking water in the ocean ensures that people need drinking water for drinking and farming.

  • • Water
  • • Bunsen burner or burner
  • • Glass distilled bottle
  • • Drink glass
  • • 4-liter pot
  • • A large selection of non-toxic plant (bananas, figs or taro is a good choice).

If you can find some scientific material you need for this experiment, or if you are able to access the science laboratory, ask your teacher. In addition, you can order materials from the Science Catalog. Many plant nurseries have taro plants or plants and you can bring one of the leaves to you. You can also refer to someone who works in the garden center, where the other leaves from plants are non-toxic.

Steps in Making Drinking Water

  • 1. Make two liters of seawater from the sea or prepare to add up to 70 g of table salt to 2 liters of fresh water.
  • 2. If you collected seawater, simmer for five minutes to kill the microscopic life on the water.
  • 3. Drop the salt water. Nobody must drink. You do not care after it.
  • 4. Evaluate the wealth of water as follows.
  • 5. Record opinions about how to smell the water.
  • 6. Write down what the water seems like.
  • 7. Enjoy the fresh weighted water. The salt sauce is considered.
  • 8. Write down how the water smells.
  • 9. Write down what the water seems like.
  • 10. Place a small salt water with a distilled water glass.
  • 11. Put the drinking cup to discover and distil water of distilled salts.
  • 12. Boil the salt water to sweeten.
  • 13. Taste distilled salt water. Nobody must drink. You do not care after it.
  • 14. Assess the water specimen.
  • 15. Register opinions on how the water gets smell.
  • 16. Observation of a record of the way the water looks.
  • 17. Place a small salt water in a 4-liter pot.
  • 18. Keep the leaves in a fried blanket and put it in a clean glass.
  • 19. Boil water, keep the leaf on the steam and put the drops into the room.
  • 20. Enjoy distilled salt water. Nobody must drink. You do not care after it.
  • 21. Estimating the salt of water.
  • 22. Record observations about how to smell the water.
  • 23. Write down what the water seems like.

Observation Chart

Taste (saltiness) Smell Sight
salt water 7 Salty Clean water
fresh water 1 No Smell
distilled salt water by flask 2 Clean water
distilled salt water by leaf 1 No Smell Clean water




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