Academic Master

Health Care

Evaluate the claim that re-localised food practices and ethical food initiatives can lead to significant change towards a more sustainable food system


The survival of the people rely on one of the essential thing and that is food. The fundamental human right is based on the security provides with regards to food and the end of hunger in the world. Even the culture also contains majorly on the basis of patterns and types of food. The transformation to human have done with the crop domestication and agriculture took birth after it. The change in the pattern of environment and climate issues revolved mostly around the food security. The issues regarding the food have increased lately mostly because of the increase in the number of human being as the growth of population and the system of food production is also being affected by the climatically change. The preferences with regards to food is also changing as the time is passing which is according to environmentalist also causing the disruption in both the climate and in the biodiversity. The economic and social development is also relies on the food security. The peace and security issues have been raised with the increase of insecure position in the production of food. Furthermore, the evaluation on the re-localized practices and initiative in food practice will be analyzed on the basis sustainable system of food.


The block which have been assigned and the issues which will be assessed claims the difference could be made through following steps of re-localization and taking the initiatives on changing the practices regarding solely to food. The need of food can be achieved through providing the secure mean of producing and acquiring food. The food security goal can be achieved through providing the safe, economic, physical and nutritious food access to all regardless of any other thing. The human history revolves around the same issues and that is insecurity of food which have changes it perspective but stays in the list of problems. Mainly, the issues is based on whether the insufficient amount of production and increase in the population directly increased the consumption of food which leads to the threat on the peace in the world. The downfall on the economy faced by the France and England if look back in the history between 200 years caused due to insufficient amount of food supply which increased the rates. When such problems increased in any economic system the social issues also comes on the list which further makes it hard to cope. Looking on the insecurity of food faced by the North America and Europe, the pattern in the economic and social issues can be recognized caused by the insufficient amount of food.

After the World War 2, the developed nations realized that the insecurity of food is the core to economic and social issues and these should be resolved sooner than it should. The realization then leads to the opening of the international markets and the liberalization trade. These ways were used and has been proven sufficient during that time because that’s how those areas with less food able to get hold of the production of sufficient amount of food from those who were capable of producing the amount which helped in removing this issue. Food sovereignty also came into being after the liberalization in which few of the nation’s believed in the security of their own economy promoting domestic production rather international.

The riots in the almost 30 countries around the globe showed the reason behind insecurity of food. The riots which took place in the history starting from 18th century were based on different reasons. Some of them were based on economic issues and now they have turned into the change in climatic conditions which is creating the food insecurity with the reaction of riots. The 7 billion people living in this world with the lack of such amount of production causing the food insecurity and that is the first and prime reason of food insecurity. The world lacks such amount of production power to feed this many amount of people living currently in the world. After the first reason which is valid on some part of the world, the other significant reason is unable to access the food even though the production and availability is sufficient in the part of the world. The Entitlement approach which was drive because this reason of food security emphasized on the sources through which the food can be acquired. These sources are production, trade, labor and inheritance. Further, these 4 sources effected by the economic conditions. When it comes to cities the people living there can buy and purchase the food but discrimination on these sources can limit the amount of resources which puts barrier to entitlement sources.

Now comes the third reason of food insecurity which is growing and have been part of the argument since the start of 20th century and that is climate change. The climate change is causing the change in favorable weather conditions for the production of food. Sometimes the lack of rain or too much rain, the draughts or the floods, all these change in climatic reasons causing the production of food which further leading to less amount of food production. The climate scientists have raised their concerns that climate change will further effect the in the production of food which will lead to food insecurity so that the nation should unite together in order to avail sustainable ways of producing the food.

The suggested ways to secure the production of food and stop the food insecurity is to control, enhance and implement the food supply Chan methods. This method identifies the loss of great amount of food when starts from the production and reaches to consumer. The production process wastes the food, the rejected amount of food which is unacceptable in some ways. All these wastage should be stopped. Apart from the wastage of food, the food production consume the amount of energy in form of fusel fuels and the land. The food is processed in the farm lands which are away from the urban area. The transportation is also considered to be the energy which takes in order to reach the consumers. The food and water imprints needs to be stopped for further wastage of energy and food so that favorable ways of food supply chain could be adopted. The fertilizers, pesticides, livestock and saving of the food is being discussed with through guidance in the chapter. Fertilizers are limited and the availability of the fertilizers is the sole reason of increased production of the food.

The scientists as in this chapter emphasized on the nitrogen which using through the diminishing marginal returns method helps in a way that least the amount of input still provides the increased amount of output through production of food. The next suggested method is the use of pesticides which they suggested that their usage will help in decreasing the insects and more amount of energy could be consumed towards the production of food in agricultural land. But the pesticides can cause the damage to food but insecticides and herbicides will help in curbing the less effect to crop but more efficient in controlling the insects and weed. Then comes the livestock and saving the food which are being under the consumption. The livestock contributes in the efficient ways of producing the food because of the design of their digestive system. The specific livestock are ruminant which includes the cows and goats. Other methods which have also been suggested are decreasing the distance of transport and using of such enzymes for the prevention of food spoliation.

Referring to all the suggested methods including the history and reasons of insecurity of food but what is lacking is the consumption and acquiring of the resources. The advance technological lack-ness is also the issues which the developing world is facing. The developing countries around the globe are facing the lack of technology and resources to fight the issues regarding the food insecurity. This chapter lacks all of these issues because insecurity is faced by the people living in third world country due to their economic condition they can’t acquire the food if its limited. Those farmers living in the poor condition can’t even have the resources to cultivate the lands efficiently how they can acquire the livestock. The livestock are also the victim of climatically change which is ignored here. Many species are going to extent at the end of 2030 according to the report of United Nations published in 2015. The use of fertilizers and pesticides are crucial for the production of crop and the maximum output could only be get through these chemicals. Providing such chemicals which effects least on the crop is not effective as this could be seen the working is not being done as compared to the changes which are being faced by the people regarding the lack of food. The diseases which are causing the lives of livestock have also been ignored and their diseases could affect the production of which in the end will be consumed by the people.

Livestock consumption also faces the cultural and social norm of the country where their usage could be effected. The other main factor which influences the usage in efficient manner regarding security of food and those factors are political factors. The political stability also influences the policy of the country and the policy makers somehow ignore the aspects of threats which being faced by the agriculture sector. The regulation imposed by the government also effects the usage of sufficient and effective approaches. The food of animals, the fertilizers, pesticides and enzymes are being directly affected by the economic consideration which have been facing though government regulations.


In conclusion, the sustainable goals are still being ignored by the nations and policy makers. The effects could be drastic something not happened in the earliest conveniences. The issues regarding the food have increased lately mostly because of the increase in the number of human being as the growth of population and the system of food production is also being affected by the climatically change. The preferences with regards to food is also changing as the time is passing which is according to environmentalist also causing the disruption in both the climate and in the biodiversity. The economic and social development is also relies on the food security. The peace and security issues have been raised with the increase of insecure position in the production of food. Mainly, the issues is based on whether the insufficient amount of production and increase in the population directly increased the consumption of food which leads to the threat on the peace in the world.

The world lacks such amount of production power to feed this many amount of people living currently in the world. After the first reason which is valid on some part of the world, the other significant reason is unable to access the food even though the production and availability is sufficient in the part of the world. The suggested ways to secure the production of food and stop the food insecurity is to control, enhance and implement the food supply Chan methods. This method identifies the loss of great amount of food when starts from the production and reaches to consumer. The production process wastes the food, the rejected amount of food which is unacceptable in some ways. Furthermore, achieving the goals are not as hard as it seems to but taking the steps by considering the problem which the future generations could face needs the attention right now.


Raghuram, P. and Bingham, N. (2018). Environment: Sharing a Dynamic Planet Book 2. The Open University.



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