Academic Master


Eudaimonia of Aristotle

In today’s society, people live hectic lives in pursuit of happiness. If asked what happiness is for them? The answer is most likely going to be tied to monetary gains and material pursuits. If they have enough money to buy this or buy that then they will surely be happy. However; most people soon realize that material pursuit is a never-ending cycle in which true happiness cannot be achieved. Interestingly, Aristotle optimistically presented his guide to happiness; Eudaimonia. He said that humans are complex animals and as such, they have complex needs; fulfillment of these needs gives them happiness. However; true happiness is not simply eating and sleeping, it is much more intricate than that. Humans can feel true happiness if they live up to their true potential as true happiness is a state of mind that can only be achieved by being true to yourself.

Every human being must have goals that they should achieve to reach their true potential. Aristotle used the term telos for these goals and he considered them to be a vital ingredient for attaining true happiness. He also believed that humans must learn to bring balance in their lives which he called Golden Mean. He described it as the ultimate balance of desires and habits. For instance; if a person has courage then that is a virtue but if he has an excess of it then it is recklessness and if he lacks courage then he is a coward. In this situation, courage is a golden mean between two extremes. Therefore; by having goals and balance in life a person can attain true happiness (Hall, 2018). The author states that it is true that true happiness cannot be achieved through pleasures but by knowing your true potential and I agree with this sentiment. Without goals and balance in our lives, we can never be truly happy as our lives will feel hollow and devoid of purpose but realizing our true potential will bring us the true happiness we all search for.



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