Academic Master


Ethical Leadership Essay

Ethical leadership refers to setting core values in building an employee-management relationship based on respect and trust. Successful leaders incorporate all ethical values such as fairness, integrity, justice, and honesty which result in sustainable results (Brown and Treviño, 2006, p. 605). As the new health administrator, I will maintain a conducive environment for the workforce and provide equal opportunities and treatment for all employees to impact the productivity of the workforce positively. As a health administrator, ethical leadership provides me with leverage in decision-making and in influencing other employees to perform their duties with a positive attitude. Additionally, I will incorporate ethical values and standards in creating and shaping a win-win situation where the organization achieves its goals and objectives with also the employees getting the anticipated job satisfaction.

Employment laws

Employment law dictates the rights and duties of employees and employers. These laws are designed to ensure fair treatment and a conducive workplace for all employees while also protecting the employers’ interest. Discrimination in a workplace occurs when members of a class are treated differently than others or favored in unjustified ways. As a model to counteract these incidents, the hospital has established the application of several anti-discriminatory employment laws which protects employees legal rights and provide fair opportunities and resources to all employees. These laws include; race discrimination laws, job and wage discrimination, gender discrimination, national origin discrimination laws.

Race discrimination applicable laws seek to end racial discrimination in a diverse workplace. Ethnic bias is evident in the society and occurs in different forms whether from management or fellow employees (Leonard, 1990, p. 60). Discrimination based on race is strictly prohibited by state laws and its incorporated under the civil rights act and. The hospital has developed affirmative action programs which are effective in curbing race discrimination. All employees in the hospital are protected such circumstances, and any discriminatory intent should be reported. Job and wage anti-discrimination laws highlight the grounds in which employees should be compensated and provide job opportunities. Equal pay for employees in the same group is recommended by this laws and job evaluation and promoting is based on the quality of the work performed. These policies ensure all employees receive fair wages and are given equal opportunities to compete for promotion. The equal pay discrimination also highlights that both men and women are subjected to equal wages for an “equal work” assigned.

Gender anti-discriminatory laws dictate that both men and women should receive the same treatment in a working environment. These laws prohibit the adoption of policies which shield or favor one gender when issuing job opportunities. However, the law has its limitations since some occupation requires either men or women although the occupations must first be proven to have bona fide occupational qualifications. National Origin discrimination laws are contained under the immigration reform and control act which protects employees from other countries from being discriminated based on their national origin. The directorate prevents organizations from forming policies which bear foreign citizens ineligible for promotion posts or any other type of discrimination based on nationalities. Since the employees in the hospital consist of diverse nationalities, the administration recognizes the effort of all employees based on their work and personalities. In the essence of all these laws, all employees in the hospital can receive fair treatment, pay, equal opportunities and a favorable working condition which will help them in maximizing their potential in achieving both personal goals and organization’s objectives.

As the new healthcare administrator, I will incorporate a contemporary leadership which reflects the progressive ideals of collaboration and equality in leadership. I will encourage collaboration between my subordinates rather than establishing a dictatorship rule which promotes leaders rather than managers. The program will be based on understanding the rule of professionalism and ethical behavior in developing an efficient working habit. To successfully integrate the program, several committees would be formed in collaboration with human resource department. Potential Ad Hoc committees which will oversee, develop and identify ethical standards and guideline. As the administrator, I will be involved in resolving related ethical conflicts. Also, the standing committee which will develop guidelines for employee development and policies and procedures for daily activities will be incorporated.

Principles of management serve as the underlying factors of establishing a successful leadership (Carpenter, 2010). This is because these principles provide guidelines for effective decision making and define management course of action. Authority and responsibility is the first principle I would consider in making decisions. This principle guides the factor that, the management has the authority to issue instructions to employees. The next principle would be equity which incorporates the need for fair treatment of the entire workforce and that all employees have the responsibility to do the right thing.

In developing strategic leadership model, I will try to make success a team effort and develop a company culture which promotes team cohesion, problem-solving and innovation among employees. Information technology tools to be integrated will be cloud computing which involves sharing of data and resources on-demand, online conferencing systems which provides an online platform for discussing emerging issues with external shareholders and enterprise content management which stores and organizes information in chronological order.


Brown, M. E., & Treviño, L. K. (2006). Ethical leadership: A review and future directions. The leadership quarterly17(6), 595-616.

Carpenter, M. A., Bauer, T., Erdogan, B., & Short, J. (2010). Principles of management. Flat World Knowledge.

Leonard, J. S. (1990). The impact of affirmative action regulation and equal employment law on black employment. Journal of Economic Perspectives4(4), 47-63.



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