Academic Master


Ethical Debate Essay

The ethical debate can be well-defined as a state or problem that involves an individual or organization to decide on between substitutes that must be measured as wrong or right. In our social order, we confront with various dilemmas that are practically difficult to solve. Abortion is one of the challenging and difficult issues. This ethical issue of abortion involves a continuous fight between life and freedom. Prochoice persons think it immoral to carry off a female ‘right and decide on their behalf. In contrast, pro-life persons mediate it unethical to murder a growing life. Woman have the freedom to a choice between these alternatives. If she does not desire to have a child due to some issues, then she has the power to take a decision on this1. Having a child against her will is not only bad for herself but also bad for her baby.

I personally think the woman may take this decision since she has no time to raise a child, she has no emotional support, or she is not prepared for it. It is not a necessary woman is showing as a selfish person to terminate the pregnancy. In addition, the female must have right to decide over abortion. In this case of abortion, a woman may have enough time to take care of a child or not ready take this responsibility. Maybe she is so busy with her school and not have enough time to take care. Because child also demands more attention and extra care from the side of the mother. There is another case when young girls become pregnant regardless of safe sex. They must be careful doing this act if they have already felt unhappy to have a child. A number of cases of abortion will be decreased if females do this act cautiously.

Another ethical issue is suicide. There are two schools of thoughts regarding this issue. One who supports by saying that if a person wants to end his life as he cannot face more pain. It can be justified someone decides to attempt suicide because he is dying from a fatal illness and does not want to live in life-threatening pain. Then it will be ethical and merciful to do medically aided suicide. Other people think most of the military persons commit this act this to protect and defend their own country. Another view is people who are disabled to share their feelings and emotions with their loved ones and cannot express their sentiments. These type of people does act like this to overcome failure and anger2. Maybe this frustration and stress are due to lack of resources that impel a person to commit suicide.

Personally, I think most of the people go through of severe circumstances and confront the critical situation. It will be unethical to terminate life in this manner just to get rid of problems. And it is not a right of any person to terminate their life just because he wants to escape from the troubles of lives. He cannot survive with it anymore. Another situation when someone is sick to the level where he cannot cope up with the pain. And there is no other way to fix the pain. Then he can justify this attempt of suicide, and it is not wrong. On the other hand, it is not justified to end a gift of life just because of certain problems instead of dealing with them. A person can make better use of their lives for a better cause or purpose instead of terminating their lives. A person may dedicate his life to please someone who is also suffering from critical circumstances. A person can resolve this issue by getting involved in other pleasing activities that will provide a pleasant experience to live more.

Transgender is another influential ethical issue, and a different name is assigned to them to characterize their identities as Tran’s woman or Tran’s man. One view supports this by saying these persons are born with it, and there is need to create awareness for advanced development of cognitive. Other says this is not necessary that this genetic factor may not be present at the birth time. The major issue that transgender is facing regarding identity. This is still confusion about transgender because of genes, environment and hormones factor. Most of the young people who face gender dysphoria do not prefer to become transgender. Meanwhile, it is a matter of choice to realize gender identity3. Most of the transgender does not want to recognize as Transwoman. There may be a possibility of social stress that experience due to binary gender. Transgender is facing pressure from the side of society. As they confront with the issue in public by just looking at doors of the bathroom that is for male or female. They have no separate or distinctive place in our region. People consider them unique creature.

I personally believe transgender is part of our society and the main issue is of their identity. They must enjoy all elements of life as a normal human person enjoys. People must support them instead of judging and criticizing them. On the public forum, this issue must be promoted especially concerns for gender identity. They should have a right being a member of society to work, love, play, learn and form lives linked to a public setting as well as in the workplace. Significant laws and procedures should be made regarding this critical issue. Transgender regardless of all issues deserve respect and esteem like other people living in our region. As a member of society transgender also deserves to enjoy all aspects of life as other humans

End Notes

  1. Petchesky, Rosalind P. “Abortion and woman’s choice: the state sexuality and reproductive freedom.” (1984).
  2. Reyes, Marc S., et al. “Exploring the link between adolescent anger expression and tendencies for suicide: a brief report.” North American journal of psychology 17.1 (2015): 113.
  3. Whittle, Stephen. Respect and equality: Transsexual and transgender rights. Routledge-Cavendish, 2012.



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