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Effects of Possible Earthquake in Oregon Washington Coast


Earthquake refers to shaking of the earth surfaces. When the rock below the earth surfaces breaks, it results in shaking of the ground. Earth, like the human body, is built of energy and sometimes it releases energy. Thus, when the energy in the underground cannot hold any longer it explodes. Therefore, the explosive of the energy underneath earth’s surface is responsible for causing shaking. The earthquake is caused by compressional stress, tensional and shear stress. The compressional stress happens when the rocks under earth service compress, i.e., push together and press into each another. This creates a stress compressional stress which can result in explosive since there no space between the rocks. Consequently, the rocks can explode due to the tensional stress. This type of stress occurs the rocks are moved away from each other, i.e., being pulled apart. Thus, being pulled away from one another creates tensional stress which results in making them explode. Lastly, the rock can explode due to shear stress occurs the rock slide past each other causing friction. The purpose of this paper is: to highlights the possible effects of the earthquake in Oregon Washington Coast and outline the possible mitigations.

Effects of Possible Earthquake in Oregon Washington Coast

The possible sequences of the earthquake in Oregon Washington coast include the following:

Loss of life and Properties

Earthquake results in the destruction of properties and loss of human and animals’ life. Most of shaking earth ground-related deaths are as result of massive collapse and demolition of buildings and infrastructure. Thus, the collapse of buildings which people are living in causes death trolls. Since Oregon is coast is no different from other places the earthquake has occurred. For instance, in Southern Italy earthquake resulted to the death of more than 100,000 people in 1909. Most the deaths were a result of building collapse. Historically, the deaths of the earthquake were as results of building collapse (Oregon, 1997). Therefore, an earthquake causes loss of life and properties.

Ground displacement

One of the main hazards of the earthquake is ground displacement along the earth fault. Thus, the earthquake causes the ground movement (Lisa, 2012). If there are structures along the fault like railways and road, the earthquake could cause displacements. This could cause massive destruction of properties resulting in the death of people using those structures.


Also, earthquakes can result in flooding in human inhabitant areas. An earthquake can change river directions or break dams water; thus, resulting in flooding the area of fault (Bruce, 2018). These can cause building and infrastructure destruction as well loss life of people and animals through drowning. Since the Oregon Washington is near the coast, an earthquake could result in Tsunami. This type of impact could be fatal. Tsunamis are a vertical offset of the ocean floor by earthquake or landslide. Therefore, Tsunami could cause deadly effects to people and buildings along the ocean shores. Tsunamis raise water higher than its normal ground level. This can cause flooding and other fatal effects.


An earthquake could easily cause a fire. This is one the main effects of the earthquake. The fire can as result of broken gas line, petroleum pipeline, and power lines. An emergence of fire can cause a lot of problems the people living in the area. For instance, during the Great San Francisco Earthquake, the earthquake was responsible for the fire, and the city burned for three consecutive days (Oregon, 1997). A substantial amount of property was destroyed, and more than 250000 people were left homeless. Therefore, an earthquake could lead to fire outbreak in the Oregon Washington.

Also, other notable the earthquake effects are landslides and liquefaction, economic and business are losses and traumatic due to stress associated with these types of calamities.

Possible Mitigation Measures that can reduce Earthquake Sequence

No one is capable of preventing earthquake since it is either a disaster or God’s act. Although no one can stop an earthquake, we can put in place mitigations measures that could reduce the damages caused by the earthquake.

Preparing Structures for the Earthquake

Preparing infrastructures and building for the calamities such as an earthquake can help in preventing massive loss property and lives. Thus, during the earthquake building responds to shaking by resisting the force due to movement (Bruce, 2018). Thus, these accelerations are transmitted to weak joints of the structure causing the building to collapse. Therefore, the building should be built such that inertia force does not impact it directly. Thus, this will help in mitigating the impact of an earthquake since infrastructure, and building collapse causes the most earthquake-related deaths.

Construction of Seismic Hazard Maps

The map is responsible for detecting any shaking that might happen and warn the area where the earthquake might hit. The charts help for planning purposes. The peak acceleration measures the intensity of the ground shaking. Therefore, detecting shaking will help in effective planning.


The earthquake has fatal effects on properties and human and animal lives. The earth-shaking can result in not only loss of lives and properties but also have negative economic consequences. After the earthquake, it is hard for the economy to peak. Therefore, it is important to develop structures that can resist the earth shaking.


Bruce A. Bolt, “Earthquake” Published by Encyclopedia Britannia, Inc. March o5 2018 retrieved from

Oregon Geology Volume 5 (1997) Retrieved from

Lisa Wald, USGS, “earthquake” (2012) Retrieved



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