Academic Master


Effective Mathematics Instructions

Mathematics is a major subject that is taught in all schools. When administering instructions to students, teachers experience certain problems that make either them or the students not to be able to produce the best results. Different mechanisms have been designed to help teachers overcome such problems. They include peer teaching, use of visual presentations, self-instruction and explicit tutoring of the students. Depending on the problem being tackled, one of the mechanisms might be appropriate for use over the others. One of the problems that teachers experience is the fact that students do not have the ability to comprehend the content at the same level. When the teacher is in class, not all the students will have the same level of understanding and this creates an imbalance in the performance of the students. To solve this problem, the best method that can be used is peer education (Kathlyn, Kyrie, Sousan & Stephen, 2008).

The fact that some students are not able to understand a mathematics concept on the first day does not mean they should be left behind in the learning process. Peer teaching can help understand the concept easily. In education, it is evident that students understand better when they are taught by their peers. The teacher can organize the class into groups such that a group has at least two students who have understood the concept. They can then teach the others as this will make the work of the teacher to be easy. The method will produce better results compared to the other mechanisms that are used to solve problems that teachers experience in the classroom setup (Douglas, 2010).

Among the strategies, the one that would give the teacher problems as they try to incorporate into the learning system is the use of visual presentation. This requires that the teacher should spend a lot of time coming up with material to be used in the visual presentation. The teacher might also find it quite challenging to come up with such content. In some contexts, the teacher might not access devices to be used in the process and thus limit the success of the visual presentation (Baker, 2002).


Douglas F. (2010). How to develop confident and successful learners. 1st edition. ASCD Publications. Pg 56-80

Kathlyn S., Kyrie D.,Sousan A. & Stephen D. (2008). Effective mathematics instructions. 1st edition. NICHCY Publications. Pg 2-14

Baker S. (2002). A synthesis of empirical research on teaching mathematics to low-achieving students. 1st edition. The Elementary School Journal. Pg 51–73.



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