Academic Master


Effective Groups Essay

Define a group

A group is considered as a number of the persons that are gathered, located, or classed together. Groups can be classified based on their qualities, characteristics, and status of their success or unsuccess. Good qualities of a group include the high trust among the members, working as a cohesive unit for the combined purpose and the goals. Team member of a group should have well-defined roles, and they should be cross-trained for supporting each other during the peak times, sick days, and vacations.

They should need to collaborate with one another for solving certain problems that are hindered in their way of success. There should be a support and cooperation among the team members. Team members should need to be productive and should need to see a big picture instead of doing gossips about each other. They should need to be empowered, and energized, and should need to follow a clear feedback procedure so that the performance should stay at clear standards, and there should be courageous feedback conversations ( All the decisions should be made after concerning with each member and hearing to their feedback, or any concern they have related to that decision.

While on the other hand the bad qualities of a group include the lack of accountability, and rather than having a courageous and honest conversation, there have indirect communications among the group members. Moreover, the in a bad group the conflict is usually avoid due to which the problems go underground, and results in additional problems ( Members of a group usually blame others for the mistakes or lake of success, and no one is ready to take the responsibility of failure. No feedback is given to the group, due to which right decisions can’t be made, and certain decisions are made by some members without even concerning with the other members. Also, there is a game of favoritism in the bad group, which led to grouping in the group.

Effective groups have certain characteristics as if the members listen towards each other, and receive the thoughtful feedback. The members of the group effectively solve the problem by helping each other, and they share the same goal, as everyone takes the initiative to get the work done. Moreover, everyone is supportive, and have effective communication between different members of the group on certain issues. Members work as a cohesive unit in making any decision by organized and logical methods. While the ineffective group includes the random grouping of the people, which makes no sense of a community. No one focus on the common goals, rather they are busy in finding their interest.

There is no proper reporting structure, and the many conflicts arise, as responsibilities are unclear due to lack of communication of the members. Conflicts between the members lead towards the difficulty in the cooperation, and which may cause the failure in reaching a goal. There is a lack of trust between members of the group, and just their interests guard everyone. Moreover, the members are not emotionally attached to the goal, which leads towards the unfocusing of the goals.

Focusing on certain problems and participating in the problem-solving procedure can make a group to achieve its success. Moreover, the emotional attachment to the goals, respecting each other, accepting the responsibility of a mistake, and given positive feedback may result in the success of a group. However, unfocusing the goals and relying on own interest rather than the whole group, may result in the unsuccess. Moreover, not giving feedback to other members, and blaming others without taking the responsibility of a mistake, may result towards the unsuccess of the group.


Characteristics of a good team and team member | The Team Building Directory. (2018). Retrieved from



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