Academic Master


Education from Home is the future of learning

Have you ever thought about what will be the future of education like? Will students continue going to school, or will they start taking classes only online from home? We think that the lockdown due to Covid-19 has accelerated the transition to online education, the future of education, but let’s explain all the reasons why we believe that this is what the future of education looks like.

Many academics and education experts used to say that online school will never replace the physical traditional classrooms. And they support this idea with a number of arguments, such as the following ones:

  1. Students cannot learn without classmates. They need to interact with other classmates.
  2. School is not only about taking classes, it’s also about socializing.
  3. Students need to make friends, and they should not make friends online.
  4. Students learn better when they feel the physical presence of a teacher.

The above are the main arguments, and we understand the importance of a child making friends at school. A child needs to learn about discipline, make friends, and socialize. But it’s not the same with adults. Adults need to keep learning and adding more and more to their life-long education. They should never stop learning.

A study that was contacted in Greece, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, suggests that we are moving to a world where students need to learn only from experts. So, let’s break down what this means.

Let’s say that a scientist, such as Nikola Tesla made a lot of inventions related to the current electricity supply, and students want to learn from such a scientist. In the past, this knowledge used to be written in books, then teachers would study those books and would teach the material to students. This is fine, but in our days, we have access to better education, and that’s learning directly from the scientist.

Nowadays, technology offers the possibility to scientists and education professionals to record videos and take classes online. This helps because students from all over the world can learn directly from the inventor, not from a teacher who studied the book of the inventor. There is also a second benefit to that. Scientists can record their classes and this material can be saved in digital forms and be taught for centuries. This way, students have access to learn directly from the source, directly from the inventor.

It is a great advantage that our generation has, to learn from all over the world, and learn from the best teachers. Not from teachers who are only available to their area. We are at the beginning, and we discovered the benefits of online education only when the pandemic and the lockdown came. But this is just the beginning. The future is online. We are so excited to experience the future of education.



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