Academic Master


Discussion 4 – The Power of Vulnerability


The video is from Ted-Ed in which the speaker initially explained about herself that Brene Brown. She have discussed about herself that she was pointed as only a storyteller which disappointed her because of her status as a researcher. She initially introduced a phrase, “If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t exist.” She related this to her life and explained that her most of the academic career was related to the masters and Ph.D. in the social life.

There is an opportunity for growth. It is a common belief among the people about the disconnection as whenever someone give them an opportunity to describe about their connection and belongingness, they, in opposite explains about the disconnection and consider those things of their lives. Fear and shame are the most highlighted concepts to discuss which are included in the excruciating vulnerability. Love and belongingness is worthiness of anything else. She further explained about the numbness in which she explained that we numb happiness, job and everything which concludes to our condition to miserable situation.

Personal Opinion

According to me, the perspective of the speaker was general and to the point which resulted in the clear and honest justification of the social life of an individual. Most of the people don’t understand the concept of love and vulnerability but with this video they can improve their perspectives.

There are many people who use to suffer of many things in the life. Having children would not bound us or don’t make us miserable or complete or something like that. Instead of that, kids give us association and sense of belongingness which is worthless of anything else in the world. The speaker in the end have concluded that let ourselves seen vulnerable and deeply instead of overviewed.



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