Academic Master


Discuss when a naturalistic observational study would be the most appropriate design to select. Provide examples.


Naturalistic observation can be defined as the study of different subjects of interest within their unique and natural environment. Throughout such studies; researchers thrive to keep the atmosphere and other natural conditions unaltered because any modification can impact the results and findings of the overall research. The underlying purpose of such observations is to study things and factors as they take place naturally; therefore, intervened outcomes are not welcomed by researchers. The naturalistic research method is basically utilized by social scientists as well as psychologists. Naturalistic observation provides an opportunity to observe the aspects of a subject that are otherwise impossible to study within the particular premises of a laboratory or research center.

Evidently, naturalistic research is effective for observing the habits and habitats of wildlife because as a matter of fact animals cannot be observed at a zoo or farm in their natural conditions. Moreover, this approach augments the efficacy when applied to workplace observational conduct; through its implementation management can observe different factors that affect the motivational level of their employees. Naturalistic observation yields effectual outcomes when implied to comprehending the lifestyles and living conditions of people from different countries and tribes. And for this purpose, it is popular amongst anthropologists.


A study once found that for any given year there was a positive correlation between ice cream consumption and the crime rate (during the summer months). If ice cream consumption was high for a given year, the crime rate was also high; if consumption was low, the crime rate was also low. What can explain this phenomenon?


The above-given statement asserts that correlation is not subject to always providing equal causation. The articulation is widely used that there is a positive correlation between the sales of ice-creams and incidents of homicides. This correlation suggests that when the sales of ice cream augment, the occurrence of homicides and criminal incidents boosts too. But it does not mean that sales of ice cream have something to do with criminal offenses, however, both variables depict a third factor that is accountable for the rise in both and that element is the rising temperature.

Reportedly, an increase in temperature becomes the underlying reason for the increase in the crime rate. The such phenomenon occurs because people used to have a bad temper in melting weather and consequently they tend to have more drinks on hot days. In hot summers, people gather and drink most likely after working hours that in turn boosts the chances of crimes during evening hours. On the other hand, ice-cream sales increase in the very season, and therefore both crime rate and ice-cream sales augment in the hot, melting, scorching summers yet are completely unconnected to one another. Phenomenally, such correlations assert a false articulation and do not underline equal causation for two different variables. The chief reason for the correlations that do not imply causation is the third factor that is interconnected with both unconnected and unrelated variables and stimulates them at the same time in a similar fashion. In the subject example, summers and the sizzling temperature is the third dynamic. A similar psychological correlation that does not imply causation relates the sales of ice cream with deaths by drowning that is entirely discrete and only connected with hot weather as swimming and ice-creams both are leisure of summer times.


Cherry, K. (2017). The Pros and Cons of Naturalistic Observation,

McLeod, S. (1970, January 01). Saul McLeod.

Carducci, B. J. (2015). The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications.
Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

If correlation doesn’t imply causation, then what does? (n.d.).

If correlation doesn’t imply causation, then what does?



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