Academic Master


What Is the Difference between Sex and Gender?

The distinction between the two terms, sex, and gender is that sex is a biological concept whereas gender deals with the societal, personal, and cultural perception of sexuality.

The current debates on sex and gender in modern society are flexible gender ideas that have started identity flourishing. Binary concepts of man-woman, masculine-famine, or male-female no longer bind people. These gender-sex concepts are currently challenging millennials and countries, hence the need to understand them. Over the past years, the two terms were used interchangeably. However, this is no longer the case, and it is not true. Those who want to progress in the current world should distinguish between the two terms.

Sex refers to biological characteristics, namely internal and external organs, chromosomes, and the hormonal characteristics of the body. Scientifically speaking, Sex comments on male or female. An individual’s sex is based on genetics, hence, it is difficult to change. Other people may classify sex as a natural and fundamental difference between women and men; actually, there is a gray area in the classification, making sex issues far from a dichotomy between males and females (Science ABC, 2018).

On the other hand, gender lacks a basis in science even though it is affected by physiological and biological characteristics displayed by females and males. Instead, gender has its basis in belief systems and societal constrictions that consider masculinity and femininity. People usually adhere to unconscious or forced on us at early ages. Gender is viewed on color concepts assigned to children for instance, pink is for girls and blue is for boys, hair length is men-short and girls-long, the toys our children play with, job aspirations, and interests and behaviors that we should embrace (Science ABC, 2018).


Science ABC. (2018). Retrieved 25 February 2018, from



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