Academic Master


Dental Implants Significance

Are missing teeth getting in the way of you and a glowing smile? Adopted by millions of people, dental implants are effective, safe and permanent solutions for restoring your smile and confidence. Missing teeth can be a nightmare for many people. They not only affect your smile and confidence but also your speech and ability to chew food. Failure to replace missing teeth affects the alignment of the rest of the teeth.

Dental implants are replacement tooth roots. Whatever the reason for the loss of your teeth, dental implants can restore your confident smile, helping give you a new lease of life. They are surgically positioned into the mouth and can be inserted into or above the jawbone. Upon successful positioning of the implant, dentists can mount replacement teeth and crowns to the implant.

Dental implant application entails two key stages. If your dentist has recommended a traditional dental implant, the gum is first cut open to reveal the jawbone. Subsequently, the implant is drilled into and implanted into the jawbone. The gum is then given time to heal.

The second stage begins upon the healing of the gum. The artificial tooth crown or bridge is positioned on the implant. Upon the gum fully healing, your implant becomes securely secured in your jawbone.

Are Dental Implants Suitable For Me?

Those wishing to have dental implants must have healthy gums and adequate bone to support an implant. In case you don’t have sufficient bone, a special implant could be an option. Also, you may need a bone graft. Working with the right dental professional helps you with an extensive examination of your teeth. Consequently, you are advised on the best solution for bringing a healthy, glowing smile.

Taking Care Of Implants

Teeth implants can last a lifetime if you properly take care of them. Dentists recommend that you treat your implants as you would your natural teeth. It is critical that you practice good oral hygiene in order to maintain the structures in good health. With a myriad of choices available, working with the right dental professionals helps you choose the right implants depending on your individual needs.



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