In the United States, the official religion is Christianity, and a funeral is generally made when a person dies for most cultural groups and religions. The burial service is hired, and the first step is to put the body of a dead person into a coffin. All the friends and relatives gather around his body during the funeral, and a casket is brought to bury his or her body in the ground or a graveyard. The corpse is never displayed after death, it is a tradition in judism, jewism as well. The memorial service includes praying for the deceased, reading verses from the Bible to bless their soul, and hymns to make them feel easy in the next world.
The family members, however, can view the body of the deceased person for one last time, but the roman catholic religion discourages that practice. The coffin is closed traditionally, and it is not lifted again; then, a burial service is hired to construct a tomb or a grave in the graveyard or cemetery. The burial service may follow the funeral, and a meal is served for the gathering by the will of the defendant’s family. Traditional memorial services are an important part of the funeral in America, and they include things like music and religious tunes. The prayers and a brief message of comfort are delivered to the deceased person and their family by the member of the clergy who often participates in the funeral.
The American culture has adopted and accepted the values and traditions of death and life from many other nations like European countries and Asians. The basics of all traditional funerals are the same because the family members of the deceased send an obituary or a message to the people before the rituals start taking place. Another tradition in America is to pick up a handful of soil and toss it into the coffin to say goodbye to the dead person.