Academic Master

Computer Sciences

Data Mart and Data Warehouse differences in Constitution and Use

A data mart is a portion of an information storehouse supposed to store information intended for a particular group of users. They are user-oriented and under a single department in a firm, such as sales, finance, human resource, etc. A data warehouse refers to an enormous data collection point for all of a firm’s historical pieces of information that are very detailed with multiple users. Data marts hold only one subject area, e.g., marketing data while a data warehouse contains data from several data marts used in various departments and from a historical perspective integrating all data sources. While data warehouses are more massive than 100GB, a data mart is usually less than 100GB, .making it more challenging to design a data warehouse due to its complexity as compared to a data mart. Data warehouses require more resources to build, while data marts are cheaper and need less time to make, as dictated by their simplicity and use. Data marts are used to summarize data since they have specific data for specific users. They reduce end-user response time by allowing particular data retrieval easy, making them user-friendly and convenient to use. Data mart helps improve the performance of online reports on guardian aggregators and provides interactive analysis capabilities for finding patterns, trends, and outliners. On the other hand, a data warehouse generically organizes data that can be used later for analysis and reports in the company for better decision-making by the management. Finally, a data warehouse protects structured and unstructured data in a database creating a reliable vault for the data storage for current and future use.

Response to social networking problems:

Social networking in an organization is crucial as it provides a platform in which an organization can communicate with the business environment and also get feedback. This platform sometimes becomes a threat to the organization’s reputation and safety. Risks are due to security threats resulting from human activities and natural calamities. Security is to be enhanced by the management by developing policies to safeguard the organization from security threats. When social networking problems lead to a negative public image, the organization can decide to delete the negative communication so that others who have access to the news cannot continue accessing it and hence reduce the damage already caused. It ensures that those who hear the negative information cannot verify it anymore, and new users will not have access to it. Responding to negative information is an entirely appropriate course of action, and it should be done as soon as possible to minimize damage and salvage the reputation of the organization. One should use all the means that you have to communicate and explain what happened and what you are doing about it. Deal with criticism immediately as it arises, especially on the internet, is essential. Give real facts of the situation that can be verified, and don’t wait for more information to come in before responding most dangerous approach would be to leave it unattended and try to ignore it. If ignored, it will continue damaging the image of the organization and may be perceived to be the truth. Others of the same mind may take it as an opportunity to attack further the organization validating the accusation and leading to severe public relations problems.



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