Academic Master


Current Trends And Themes In American Cinema

American cinemas are leading throughout the world. The shift from DVDs, Cable and Television to the internet has drastically changed the cinema both outside and inside the theatre. By investing heavily in the making of features and series (via acquisition and production), Netflix dominates the internet streaming business. As drone technology has become more affordable and accessible in the last few years, aerial footage has been incorporated more in the final cuts for establishing shots. These aerial devices allow shooting for a shade, even at a 4k resolution over the $1000 mark.

For many years, it has been seen that cinematographers cut down lightning rigs and retain things soft and simple, and it seems to be a strong contemporary trend. They used more subdued colours in the films (mainly with regards to muted colour and desaturation), with the subdued lightning. Dolly/jib setups are more incorporated while making films because they are easy to handle and increase stability as cameras are getting less unwieldy. As new systems and rigs are in the market, expect more steady-cam and handheld footage going onward and will achieve ever more impressive results.

Series Have Developed A New Form Of Cinema.

Particularly over the past years, most American cinema has been offered in remarkable series watched on laptops and television, like “Game of Thrones”, which is one of the leading series not only in America but all over the world. It is popular because of the effects and the theme used by the maker. Several filmmakers will explore the use of huge format cameras, the depth of the field, and the different perspectives they offer.

Nowadays, the latest televisions are technically superior to theatre screens. Though theatres offer unique community and scale, they will require new image technology to keep their audience.



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