Academic Master

Health Care, Sociology

Culture and Health


The holding of the values of cultural integration or reputation or morality has some of the diseases associated with themselves which, at first, seems a very the situation. When the cultural aspect is taken into consideration, it should seem that the more an individual spends time with other people, the more he or she will get healthier and happier. The purpose of meeting friends and families is that one can feel more relaxed and for a transient moment, can forget about the worries and troubles of life. It would seem very confounding to a third person when he or she was told that the more person associate with other people, the more likelihood of him or her getting a particular disease.

Cultural isolation should be the reason that a person would get diseases, but so is cultural integration. When we look at the specific diseases, associated with social integration, they are mostly or all related to the digestive system. The diseases may include, stomach ulcers, cerebrovascular ailment, stomach neoplasms, etc. It is quite possibly because of the fact that when a group of friends plans together for a meetup, they always eat a lot of various kinds of food. People always seem to be eating something whenever they meet. It might be the case that when a person remains isolated, he or she is less likely to go and eat at restaurants or cafes. They would simply eat less than the people who meet and integrate with one another on a regular basis. That is probably the fundamental reason why cultural integration has diseases associated with the digestive system (Harasemiw, 2017).

Reputation and morality are also the reasons for some of the diseases, which are closely related to these values. Stomach ailments are also associated with reputation, whereas morality is related to only the disease of the liver. There are many studies and research going on around this concept of why and how the holding of these particular values has been closely related to these particular diseases. Holding the values of reputation also has an effect on the heart. Heart disease conflicts to a person holding the values of reputation probably because of the fact that an individual needs to maintain his public image and the desire and drive to acquire wealth and maintain that level of status might be sometimes hard for people to maintain. In doing so, people start to take tension, and tension has adverse effects on the heart.


It is imperative for a doctor or a nurse or anyone working in a healthcare facility who has the responsibility of taking care of a patient, to be a friend of the patient. If we are not friends with our patients, then no matter how much we try to help find a solution for their quiet recovery, it would not materialize. The very first thing I would employ in order to make a good and healthy relationship with a patient is I respect the patient every time he or she comes or walks by. The fundamental thing a person should give to others is respect. There is nothing an individual expects to receive from another except respect. When my patient sees me standing up from my seat every time he or she comes, or I greet them with the utmost respect, the patients would eventually develop respect for me in their hearts. After giving respect to my patient, I would be able to make a stronger bond with my patient by developing a level of trust with him or her. I would share my stories with my patients and they would be more comfortable sharing their stories with me. When you develop this level of trust with a patient, the bond between the two of you becomes stronger. If a relationship is based on respect and trust, it can last a long time. After respecting and trusting each other, one of the important things is understanding of each other. If there is no understanding between the patient and the doctor, then the relationship cannot be built. Both, the doctor and the patient, need to be on the same page, and by that, I do not necessarily mean having the exact same opinion about something, but instead, understanding each other’s views and opinions and respecting them. Respect, trust, and understanding are the key factors in building a relationship with the patients.


It is important for the doctor and the patient to be on the same page regarding the treatment of the patient. There are times when doctors are faced with the seemingly impossible task of making the patients ready for a particular treatment that they seem not according to their core values. Sometimes people do not adhere to a well-known medical treatment because it would seem culturally inoffensive to them and they deem the treatment to be ethically wrong. Doctors need to be able to be more understanding of their patients. If I were in a position, where my patient rejected the treatment I proposed to him or her, I would not get aggressive or try to belittle him or her for the values they or hold. It is important to understand the patient’s apprehensions and try to come up with a reasonable solution. I would listen to their apprehensions and would try to scientifically prove the effectiveness of the treatment. I would show my patient the cases of other patients of their ethnicities and cultural values that went through this procedure. Giving examples of other patients, and stating the effectiveness of the procedure, would hopefully bring the patient around for the treatment.


Harasemiw, O., Newall, N., Shooshtari, S., Mackenzie, C., & Menec, V. (2017). From Social Integration to Social Isolation: The Relationship Between Social Network Types and Perceived Availability of Social Support in a National Sample of Older Canadians. Research on Aging, 0164027517734587.



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