Academic Master


Counselors and Right to Test

In today’s world, there is increased accountability based on high stakes of decision making, there is a greater need of assessing instruments used in clinical environment. Therefore leading to the development of new assessment tools from the recent testing practices. The new testing tools and availability of trained qualified professionals to assist in administering the scores, as well as interpret the results continue to grow.

Over the years assessment has included several tests, this has become one of the most integral part of a counselor’s process for counseling in all specialty areas. The use of tests and assessment has resulted in becoming a significant part in counseling, such as client selection, placements, evaluation and accountability, as well as noticing the trends developed on the progress and self-discovery.

Professional counselors face a hard-fighting battle ground on assessment instruments even today. Currently there is a battle between counselors and psychologists on who has the right to use tests in various states. The debate on who has the right to qualify in administering scores and interpret psychological tests, has led to the enactment of a professional counseling license laws.

This paper involves a detailed explanation on efficient assessment and evaluation between states and Texas.

Assessment Laws as they relate to Houston, Texas.

A counselor should take into account the social, cultural and personal factors when making assessment. A counselor should keep in mind the historical and social prejudice of misdiagnosing a patient from a specific individual group. One should keep in mind the mental health as a professional in continuing these problems.

In Houston a Free and Fair Access Coalition on Testing was established to protect rights of the counselors in conducting testing and assessment services. The licensing board has an overall goal in protecting the professional’s right of using the broad spectrum of assessment instruments.

Another legal aspect related to counselors testing in Houston is privileged communication. This consists of the orivate conversation between a counselor and his client. There are statutes that guide privileged communication which apply when one is testifying in a court of law. The clients have the right to privilege conversation. Counselor client communication differs between states.

Comparing International Test Commission Statement to Houston, Texas

International Tests Commission statement on user test is similar to the one in Houston as they all relate to competencies required by the test users. These include the skills, knowledge and other personal characteristics. The competencies are stipulated in the terms assessable in the performance criteria. The criteria prescribed in both international guidelines on user testing assessment and Houston provide a basis for developing specifications on the evidence about the competence required by someone seeking to qualify as a test user.

Multicultural Assessment Standards

The first multicultural assessment standard that stood out was the content and purpose of selecting assessment instruments. Test developers had to evaluate the procedure of materials used, to make sure that there was no offensive language or content used.

The second one is the selection of assessment instruments; validity, norming and reliability. This involves evaluating the availability of the evidence on performance of all test takers in diverse subgroups.

Last but not least is the administration and scoring of assessment instruments. This involves documenting and providing an appropriate process for the test taker with disabilities.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

Every professional counselor has a great responsibility in upholding the trust of the public to seeking great levels of education, training and supervision, so as to apply in the ethical counseling practice. Professional responsibility is one of the ethical considerations this includes being alert to signs of personal impairment. Counselors have to become knowledgeable with other colleagues, developing positive a relationship with other professionals is ethical.


Promoting ethical practices in assessment is considered an essential agenda in counselors involved in assessment.


Naugle, K. A. (2009). Counseling and testing: What counselors need to know about state laws on assessment and testing. Measurement and Evaluation In Counseling And Development, 42(1), 31-45. doi:10.1177/0748175609333561 counselor-licensure-boards



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