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Coaching and Mentoring Essay

The existing economy requires individuals with the ability to explore opportunities to get the very best out of the environment. The instance calls for practice theory, which prepares a person for practice. Mentoring theory helps the mentee to improve on critical aspects of life. Ideally, the improvement focuses on the ability of the mentee to understand personal practice theory.

As a consequence, mentoring places much emphasis on the approach that revolves around the practice. According to the theory, the mentor is at the top regarding skills, exposure as well as expertise. Hence, he or she can always lead the mentee in the right direction. The theories of coaching banks on the already existing body of knowledge and work together in ensuring progress as well as teamwork (Carr, Holmes & Flynn, 2017). In most occasions, it is imperative to have an understanding of how the team can work together in meeting the ultimate goal. Every party always have something to present to the table. During coaching, there is no need for directives since every party is willing to improve in the occasion.

An individual can either learn or unlearn on most occasions. Mentoring relates to learning since the client learns new ideas, which improves his or her life in some ways. On the contrary, coaching relates to collaborative learning (McNamara et al., 2014). Still, it seems the terms are synonyms since an individual tend to acquire new skills, which helps in improving the quality of life. What brings the difference is the approach taken during leaning. For instance, participants in coaching must pay much attention to get a new concept. That is different from coaching in which the participants must borrow as much as possible from one another (Smith & Lindsay, 2014). Ideally, the cognitive ability plays a crucial role in mentoring and coaching since the instances are part of learning. It is necessary for individuals to get acquainted with the best information to progress.


Carr, M. L., Holmes, W., & Flynn, K. (2017). Using Mentoring, Coaching, and Self-mentoring to Support Public School Educators. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas90(4), 116-124.

McNamara, M. S., Fealy, G. M., Casey, M., O’connor, T., Patton, D., Doyle, L., & Quinlan, C. (2014). Mentoring, coaching and action learning: interventions in a national clinical leadership development programme. Journal of clinical nursing23(17-18), 2533-2541.

Smith, J. G., & Lindsay, J. B. (2014). Mentoring and Coaching. In Beyond Inclusion (pp. 81-99). Palgrave Macmillan, New York.



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