Academic Master


Chronic Diarrhea

The topic that I choose for the discussion of the nutrition-related digestive problem is chronic diarrhea. This refers to a digestive disorder in which a patient suffers from persistent or constant loose and watery stools that lasts for a few days to several weeks. The patient with chronic diarrhea may also suffer from vomiting, swelling, and intestinal contractions. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are two intemperate disorders that can cause loose and watery feces. Bloody stools and stomach discomfort are other possible side effects of these illnesses. (Higuera. V, 2019)

Apart from this, chronic diarrhea can also be caused by a change in nutrition. Certain compounds accelerate the digestive process, causing food to quickly pass through the colon. Milk and artificial sweeteners are two common examples (Higuera. V, 2019). Anti-diarrhea drugs can help to treat chronic diarrhea but they are not suggested for long-term use. Chronic diarrhea therapy is determined for elemental reasons. For example, if a patient has been diagnosed with a medical condition such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease then the physician will ask the patient about the treatment options and advise the best possible course of action. (Higuera. V, 2019)

Chronic diarrhea can be treated in some patients through nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. According to the international foundation of gastrointestinal disorders, the patient with chronic diarrhea is suggested to have BRAT (banana, rice, applesauce, and toast) diet. (Iffgd, 2021). These meal selections may assist to minimize intestinal overstimulation and reduce the frequency of core movements. Patients who suffer from chronic diarrhea are advised to increase fluid intake to avoid dehydration but they are suggested to do so between meals rather than with them (liquids with a meal can accelerate stomach emptying, thereby aggravating diarrhea). Apart from meal selection, the amount of meals is also significant. Instead of taking heavy meals, aims to eat less and more regular meals throughout the day. Moreover, try to relax after eating because this might reduce peristalsis (the pace at which food travels through the stomach). (Iffgd, 2021).


Higuera. V. (2019). Chronic diarrhea. Retrieved from.

International foundation for gastrointestinal disorders. (2021). Nutrition strategies for managing diarrhea. Retrieved from. strategies/#:~:text=If%20you%20suffer%20from%20chronic,the%20frequency%20of%20bowel %20movements



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