Academic Master


Chemical HO2 and food contamination

Case Study 2

1. The chemical contaminants identified are Bisphenol A, Melanie, and stilbene.
2. Bisphenol A route contamination is naturally pervasive in sliced pineapple components. It is contaminated through post-consumer in the preservation of the food substance found.

Stilbene route contamination in Hamburger patty is through hydrocarbon-degrading utilization of the microbes. The components are incorporated by bioactive hydroxylated stilbene.

Melamine is contaminated through its addition to the ice cream to build clear carbohydrate content in the ice cream. This is estimated through sugar level content in ice cream through the inclusion of nitrogen mixture.


Short-term effects of the contaminants

  1. The quality of the products is not to the standards for instance, in ice cream attracts less usage by consumers.
  2. The contaminant additive are very costly and need a high level of attention
  3. The contaminants disappoint the health state of the consumers in the first place.

Long term effects

  1. The contaminants bring about joint inflammation in the consumers.
  2. they bring about kidney failure
  3. they bring urinary tract complications
  4. They can also bring diabetes, mostly melamine, once consumed in food products.
4. In AU, the contaminants are controlled through legislation commission and quality control. The products are approved through the test control in which the products containing the required substances which are not harmful to the health of humans are allowed to be sold.
5. The importers indicate the conditions through which the products were transported through which means. The guarantee policy of the products is determined before the importation of the products.

Case Study 3

1. PCBs and PCDFs are industrial bioaccumulation natural toxins that are very dangerous to the health of human and is released during the manufacture of the products. They are chemical contaminants, and they are not healthy once taken into the body since they contain harmful biota components. Therefore, they are ecological pointers.
2. PCBs and PCDFs contaminate oil through the fixation process, which is done during the sorting of the crude oil. They blend the oil since they are applied in very high temperatures and therefore chemically combine the atoms making the oil structures. Similar contamination occurs in food since PCB structures may have late discovery in food additives and therefore untamed.
3. Short term effects

  1. they bring complication to growth rates of the young children
  2. it can cause pre-birth effects
  3. they cause dioxin in human health
  4. it causes maternal bosom effects
  5. babies born under their effects may have a psychological complications

long term effects

  1. in breastfeeding women, they cause span extension
  2. their effects cause psychomotor to the kids
  3. In young kids, they bring mental disorders and complications
  4. They cause dioxin and many deaths, especially among small children affected.
4. The companies should make sure that PCBs and PCDFs are eliminated in the manufacture of food additives, and alternatives be sued.

There should be control of dioxin outflow in food processing. There is should be very strict techniques in controlling the food additives produced through the European association. There should be supply safety of the food substances to avoid contaminations. There should be very professional checking of the quality of the product before selling to the consumers. In the future time, there should be careful and advanced measures to make sure that PCBs and PCDFs, and dioxins are eliminated in food substances at all costs.




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