Academic Master


Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Social Paradigms And Perspectives


Functionalism reflects the structure of capitalist society that represents a clear line between white and black neighborhoods.


The conflict appears as Doughboy and his friends choose the wrong path after the rejection of society’s norms.

Symbolic Interactionism

Symbolic interaction exhibits gang violence, poverty, and the deprived living standards of blacks.

Movie Overview

The film portrays the social problems encountered by young black people in American society. The main characters, Tre, Rickie, and Doughboy, grow up in a black neighborhood where they experience social inequalities. The film portrays how society promotes injustices. The connections of black adolescents with deprived backgrounds limit their economic opportunities. The availability of gun shops and liquor in black neighborhoods creates opportunities for deviance. The film portrays social discrimination as blacks have unequal access to education, employment, and growth.

The film conveys the message of how social construct promotes deviant behaviors in certain groups. The deprivations and low economic status of black guys motivate them to reject society’s norms. The gun shootings and killings explain how social control influences the lives of young people. The film criticizes the capitalism prevailing in American society that promotes deviant behaviors among black people.

The Relevance Of Movie With Social process

The film provides a real-life example of the deviant behavior that motivates young black citizens towards crimes. The young black guys dealing with the problems of violence, rape, and juvenile delinquency exhibit the role of deviance. The three main characters represent different forms of control theories and deviance. The community provides them with chances to engage in deviant behaviors. Doughboy and his friend encounter deviant behavior that also reflects the role of conflict theory. The film portrays the boy’s need to choose between society’s values and personal desires. The conflict theory is also visible in combating unequal access to social and economic resources.



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