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Bender Gestalt Test by Lauretta Bender

In 1938, the Bender Gestalt Test was developed by Lauretta Bender. uni-dimensional theoretical construct approach was used to develop this instrument. While the construction of this test, designs taken from the work of gestalt psychologist Max Werthiemer in 1923 (Routh, 1998), in accordance to which the test was viewed as a whole to interpret a used approach (by an individual) to a given stimuli or problem (Wertheimer, 1923). Although, there is a a diversity of domains measuring different abilities such as visuo spatial and visual perception and memory skills (Marnat, 2009), there is a same underlying construct make it uni-dimensional. Along with the theoretical construct, the clincian’s judgement plays a very important role. (Butcher, Bubany & Mason, 2013).

The same theoretically derived uni-dimensional test construction approach was used in BGT-II, but additional alterations were made using Rasch analysis which uses the item response theory. (Linicare, 2005). This theory unfolds the contrast of ability of the test taker and the difficulty level of items. The IRT was used to supplement additional items to the test so aa total of 16 items in the test could be developed with a ceiling effect and a floor. It has also aided in extending the norms of the test for better utility and generalizability (Brannigan & Decker, 2003). .

Wide Range Achievement Test

WRAT was first developed in 1941 by Joseph Jastak. Its latest edition, WRAT 4 was published in 1946. There have been further revisions in the year 1984 and another in 1993 (J. Robertson, 2010). Originally WRAT was developed on the basis of Wechsler idea of measuring intelligence when it was suggested that intelligence can not be measured through one scale but it had 4 contents which were incorporated in the Wide Range Achievement Test. There was no specific theory but most of the work reflects Item ResponseTheory, which echoes the concept that retorts to certain items signify core variables of personality, for example a trait. (Butcher, Bubany & Mason). In 1984, WRAT (R) was issued. This was based on the Rasch model. Many of the changes made in this version was due to the “Rasch analysis and scaling”. The construct vaidity of WRAT R was interpreted through statistical Rasch values. “person & item separation”. (Reid, 1986)Further for WRAT 4, which is the most recent development in the WRAT series, content analysis of WRAT 3 was done to check the correlation between items of WRAT 3 and WRAT 4. WRAT 4 is developed based on the Content Based developmental strategy derived from Cronbach and Meehl’s ( 1955). (Butcher, Bubany & Mason). WRAT-IV has been assessed and reviewed during the course of the past years by using IRT analysis as a result of what, more items were encompassed in the test.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

WAIS was first developed in 1939, known as Wechsler Bellevue based on a multifaceted theory. Then, more items were generated to measure these manifold characteristics of intelligence. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale:

The test was first issued in the year 1955. It was aimed at the measurement of intelligence in the adult and older adolescence population. Designed by psychologist David Wechsler who believed that intelligence mental abilities rather than a single general intelligence factor (Cherry, 2017). The initial theoretical basis of the development of WAIS was that intelligence is based on various factors. Based on this theory, certain items were developed to measure these factors (Kline, 2005). The items on the test were generated then to measure cognitive abilities that assess intelligence. WAIS is hence, built on a theoretically derivative multi-dimensional methodology based on both clinician’s judgement and the theory (Butcher, Bubany & Mason, 2013). As the standardization data for WAIS originally and the WAIS-R were imperiled to principal-factor analysis, and a 2-factor resolution for all scales. (Silverstein, 1982). After the exploratory factor analysis, multiple factor extraction criteria and higher order exploratory factor analysis was applied to WAIS III, its recent revised edition, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth Edition was devised. Based on standardization sample using exploratory factor analysis, multiple factor extraction criteria, and higher order exploratory factor analysis (L. and W, 2010). As a result WAIS has 3 fundamental factors, Memory, verbal performance and perception. (Cohen, 1957)

More Read: Pte Practice Test

Adaptive Behavior Assessment System:

In the year 2000, the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System was developed by Patti Harrison & Thomas Oakland. It assesses a person on an adaptive behavioral scale on the development and regulation of their adaptive behaviors as required by the daily demands of their life based on different domains. (Harrison and Oakland, 2008). These domains are imitative from AAMR (1992)’s supposition that 10 skill areas are essential for measuring adaptive behavior, which are communication, Community use, Functional Academics, Health and Safety, Home or School living, Leisure, Self-Care, Self-Direction, Social and work. Functional analysis paper (1982) applied visual inspection, on informal criteria produced by the assessment. (Dixon, Vogel and Tarbox, 2012). The development of the scale was based on construct- oriented scale development in sequential system in which a construct is defined theoretically, based on this an item pool is formed on which a factor analysis is performed to guarantee homogeneity in the construct. (Butcher, Bubany & Mason, 2013).


  1. ABAS II/ WRAT-4/WAIS-IV/BGT-II Manuals.
  2. Ahmed, S. M., Hossain, M. A., RajaChowdhury, A. M. and Bhuiya, A. U.
  3. Ahmed, S., Hossain, M., RajaChowdhury, A., & Bhuiya, A. (2011). The health workforce crisis in Bangladesh: shortage, inappropriate skill-mix and inequitable distribution. Human Resources For Health, 9(1).
  4. Brannigan, G.G, & Decker, S.L. (2003). Bender-Gestalt II Examiner’s Manual. Rolling Meadows,II: Riverside Publishing.
  5. Butcher, J. N., Bubany, S., & Mason, S. N. (2013). Assessment of personality and psychopathology with self-report inventories.
  6. Cherry, K. (2017). The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale History and Use of the WAIS.
  7. Cohen, J. (1957). A factor-analytically based rationale for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21(6), 451-457.
  8. Dixon, D., Vogel, T. and Tarbox, J. (2012). A Brief History of Functional Analysis and Applied Behavior Analysis. Functional Assessment for Challenging Behaviors, pp.3-24.
  9. Groth-Marnat, G. (2009). Handbook of psychological assessment. John Wiley & Sons.
  10. Harrison, P. and Oakland, T. (2008). Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-II. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press.
  11. Harrison, P. L., & Oakland, T. (2003). Adaptive Behavior Assessment System Second Edition Manual. wps.
  12. Healthcare in Bangladesh soars despite widespread poverty. (2014). The Guardian.
  13. Iqbal Afridi, M. (2008). Mental health: Priorities in Pakista. JPMA, 58(5).
  14. Kline, T. (2005). Psychological testing: A practical approach to design and evaluation. Sage.
  15. L., G. and W, M. (2010). Investigation of the factor structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth Edition (WAIS–IV): Exploratory and higher order factor analyses. American Psychological Association, 22(4).
  16. Linacre J.M. (2005). Rasch dichotomous model vs. One-parameter Logistic Model. Rasch Measurement Transactions, 19:3, 1032
  17. Silverstein, A. (1982). Factor structure of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 50(5), pp.661-664.
  18. Wertheimer, M. (1923). Laws of organization in perceptual forms. First published as Untersuchungen zur Lehre von der Gestalt II, in Psycologische Forschung, 4, 301-350. Translation published in Ellis, W. (1938). A source book of Gestalt psychology (pp. 71-88).



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