Description of first article
Hawley, P. H., Johnson, S. E., Mize, J. A., & McNamara, K. A. (2007). Physical attractiveness in preschoolers: Relationships with power, status, aggression and social skills. Journal of School Psychology, 45(5), 499–521.
In this article author analyses that increasing the emotional content of training sessions, their attractiveness, personality-oriented interaction between the adult and the child in the process of physical training allow increasing the number of positively experienced emotions, and this, in turn, will affect the overall attitude to physical training. This statement is based on the fact that one of the motives of the initial stage of physical training is the motive of the emotional attractiveness of physical exercises. Based on the analysis of psycho-pedagogical literature, we found that the specificity of working with children in physical culture is the emotional saturation of classes. Creation of emotional saturation of classes, creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, trust, creativity is achieved by the methods of emotional regulation: musical influence, color influence, attention shifting, modeling of joint activity, positive reinforcement of actions. In working with children of senior preschool age, attention should be paid to the biological clock, which is the main mechanism ensuring the balance of physiological processes and cyclical changes in the environment.
Of all the means of physical culture, the most widely used are general development exercises, exercises in the main types of movements, mobile games, relay races, sports festivals. A very interesting and effective means of physical training is holding a week of physical readiness with preschoolers, which are organized by teachers on a monthly basis. The main goal is to have an idea of the physical state of children, to make changes in the planning, if necessary. In the program of the week of physical readiness, there may be “runner’s day”, “jumper day”, “fun starts”, etc. The weekends with summing up the results and rewarding the children with gifts and letters. This form, along with others, allows to develop interest and needs in physical self-improvement, obtaining “muscular joy” from games and exercises, contributes to the education of moral, strong-willed, physical qualities and abilities. Thus, a high level of physical fitness is achieved.
Description of second article
Sugiyama, L. S. (2015). Physical Attractiveness in Adaptationist Perspective. In The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology (pp. 292–343).
In this article author focuses on the painstaking observation of Darwin ultimately convinced most scientists that such standards establish culture and the search for universals, that is, it seems a vain occupation. The last glimmers of hope in the definition of common standards were destroyed by the notable role of primitive cultures. Author suggested that men and women should be attracted to persons who have traits associated with maturity, especially with blossoming, adult sexuality (eg, thick hair, moistened skin and full sensuous lips) and / or mature strength (eg, wide cheekbones or powerful jaw and chin). Most recent issled. show that people like people who have both types of values, for example, faces with big eyes and a small nose, but with full sexual lips and powerful jaws and chin. Whether these preferences will be universal remains a mystery. Historians remind us that in any society, the standards of beauty often change with staggering speed. Evidence of the addiction of people in favor of physically attractive. Scientists have found that most people are most of the time biased in their reactions to attractive people. It seems that there are four stages in this process of stereotyping, and they look like this: 1. Most people are clearly aware of all the injustice of prejudice against unattractive (they would be outraged if others prejudiced them).
Evaluation of First Article: Missing points
In this article author missed to show the successful education of children in the movement depends on observing the basic principles of education: accessibility, gradualness, consistency, correct alternation of material, physical activity and rest, individual approach. Children of senior preschool age should be informed of basic knowledge about the benefits of exercising, the correct ways of performing movements (technique), the rules of mobile games, the appointment of physical training equipment; the simplest information about personal and public hygiene – the rules for caring for the body, clothes, shoes, physical education equipment, etc.
It is important to educate the aesthetic tastes of children: to introduce them to the concepts of the correctness of the physique, the beauty of posture and movements. In the process of physical education, children of the senior preschool age develop mental abilities, attention, memory, perception, thinking, imagination. It should be noted that the relationship between mental and physical development is characteristic for preschool children. Thus, physical culture, as a system for improving the health of the child of preschool age, allows most fully solving educational and educational problems.
Physical education in pre-school establishments provides, first of all, the protection of life and the strengthening of children’s health, the timely formation of their motor skills and skills, the development of physical qualities, the cultivation of cultural and hygienic skills and habits, the development of interest in physical exercises and mobile games. Sporting and recreational activities of preschool children should be aimed at increasing the resistance of the child’s organism to unfavorable factors of the external and internal environment, the development of mental and physical qualities and characteristics, the interest and need for physical improvement, and the all-round formation of the child’s personality .
Children of preschool age are sensitive to the directed effect on the development of their motor function perfection of the morphological structures of the motor apparatus. The full physical development and health of the child is the basis for the formation of the child’s personality. Modern children, in most cases, experience a “motor deficit”, i.e. the number of movements performed by them during the day is below the age norm, since children spend a considerable part of their time in a static position (at the table, at the TV, computer, etc.). This increases the static load on individual muscle groups and causes their fatigue. Also, the strength and performance of skeletal muscles is reduced, which entails a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet, delay in the age-related development of speed, agility, coordination of movements, endurance, which undoubtedly aggravates the unfavorable effect of hypokinesia . Now there are many different children’s studios, private preschool institutions, progymnasiums, etc., where the first question is the physical development of children and physical training in modern conditions. The entire complex of physical education, including the implementation of the regime of the day, health-improving activities, ensuring the necessary motor loads, rational nutrition, should be directed to the main task – the education of a healthy child.
The physical performance of children depends on the characteristics of physical education, methods and forms of teaching physical culture. In connection with this, the promotion of the health problem among the priority tasks of preschool education determines the urgency of its theoretical and practical development, the need to develop ways to preserve health from childhood.
Evaluation of second article: Missing points
Physical education of children preparatory to the school group requires special attention. The age features of the children of this group are favorable for achieving good physical development and promoting health. In the process of physical education, under the guidance of the teacher, the child takes possession of the motor skills and skills in accordance with the requirements of the program for each age group. The formation of skills in the process of learning various types of movements is carried out in indissoluble unity with the upbringing of physical qualities.
The motor qualities of pre-school children are formed in the process of performing various exercises with the help of which it is possible to influence different qualities, while gradually increasing the speed and frequency of movements (education of speed), the complexity of coordination (education of dexterity), the number of repetitions of movements (endurance education) the amount of resistance overcome (education of strength). With the accumulation of motor experience, the improvement of the morphofunctional properties of the child’s body, favorable prerequisites for the development of all motor abilities are created .
Mastering new movements, the development of the motor analyzer determines the possibility of improving dexterity. A high level of dexterity development is indicated by the good performance of children involved in moving games with changing conditions or complicated by additional tasks. A firmly fixed motor skill, performed under unchanging conditions, ceases to promote dexterity . In pre-school children, especially great opportunities in the manifestation of power abilities. Determining the power capabilities of children is necessary for the correct dosing of physical activity in various activities.
The acquisition of a child of senior preschool age to the values of physical culture is extremely important for the theory and practice of physical education and sports, i.e. it is during this age period that the image of his future life is formed. Therefore, it is important to lay the foundation of the value attitude to physical training in the first 5-6 years of a person’s life. Scientists and practitioners offer various ways to achieve this goal. Among them, one can name events that expand knowledge about sports and physical culture (excursions, talks, meetings, films), emotionally attractive holidays and entertainment, homework, etc.
All these forms, one way or another, affect the attitude of children to physical education. In the opinion of TP. Bakurova (2001), the more effective is the way to optimize the interaction between the teacher and children in the physical culture. Increasing the emotional content of training sessions, their attractiveness, personality-oriented interaction between the adult and the child in the process of physical training allow increasing the number of positively experienced emotions, and this, in turn, will affect the overall attitude to physical training. This statement is based on the fact that one of the motives of the initial stage of physical training is the motive of the emotional attractiveness of physical exercises .
Based on the analysis of psycho-pedagogical literature, we found that the specificity of working with children in physical culture is the emotional saturation of classes. Creation of emotional saturation of classes, creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, trust, creativity is achieved by the methods of emotional regulation: musical influence, color influence, attention shifting, modeling of joint activity, positive reinforcement of actions.
In working with children of senior preschool age, attention should be paid to the biological clock, which is the main mechanism ensuring the balance of physiological processes and cyclical changes in the environment.