Academic Master


Application Of Ethical Standards To The Legal Profession As A Lawyer

Over the years, many employees have declined their professional standards by casting aside professional ethics that are needed in the workplace. Lack of professional ethics has deprived many businesses of the potential to succeed and provide better services to their customers. Therefore, it is imperative that we employ professional, ethical standards in order to develop our businesses as well as our careers. More specifically, this paper discusses several ethical standards, honesty, loyalty, and fairness, and how I would apply them in my profession as a lawyer.

First, honesty is a major ethical standard that differentiates between an accountable and reliable lawyer from an unprofessional one. An honest lawyer adheres to the highest standard of accuracy and truth to the interest of the people he or she represents. Honesty builds trust and helps to form a strong and professional client-lawyer relationship. Therefore, I would apply honesty when representing my clients in their business affairs, in court, and while administering my legal duties or responsibilities in the office. Honesty assures clients that they are well-represented and that they can trust their lawyers.

Secondly, loyalty is an essential professional ethical standard required in a legal profession, especially as a lawyer. Loyalty to clients can be acknowledged as a stepping stone to gaining your client’s trust and developing your career. It is critical that lawyers remain faithful to their clients, honouring their obligation to serve and protect them legally. As a professional and dedicated lawyer, it is imperative that I remain loyal to my clients, my business partners, and my firm.

Thirdly, fairness is an ethical standard that all legal representatives should uphold in their profession. Lawyers deal with clients, competitors, employers, media, and the general public. Therefore, it is essential that they listen to different cases and opinions and represent them fairly without discrimination. As a lawyer, I would apply fairness and equality to all my clients and ensure that they receive equal and fair treatment regardless of their background, status, or rank in society.



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Three Laws of Newton

Newton in his masterpiece Principia explained the reason why planets revolving in orbits are not circles in their structures but ellipses for which he developed

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