Academic Master


Animal Testing Essay

Animal testing for medical research is widely debated. In the USA alone 25 million animals are being used for medical experimentation annually. Monkeys, Pigs, Ferrets, Rabbits, Rats, etc., are used for regular experimentations. Many proponents of animal testing argue that it is for a good cause. Rather than experimenting on human beings, animals are better. Pro-Test is an Oxford-based research organization.  Laurie Pycroft created it as a reaction to the protests against vivisection. The research facilities were shut down because of widespread protests. Similar campaigns caused another research experiment in Cambridge to be canceled in 2004. The organization aims at promoting the benefits of animal testing and research. The student-led group believes that the benefits of animal testing are numerous as it helps the researchers to find out the side effects of a drug, ensures the safety of a drug, and it can reveal how drugs can be altered to be used for animals too. (Pro-Test)

On the other hand, several organizations oppose the animal tested-research. European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE) is an example of such an organization which is leading the protest of ending the animal testing within entire European Union countries. They do not just raise voice to stop animal testing in medicine but also think it is unjust to use animals for cosmetics. They made it possible in 2013 to ban it to an extent.

They think it is morally wrong because animals are either killed or kept in captivity. They are of the opinion that it is against the animal rights. (The European Coalition to End Animal Experimentation)

I think that animal testing within the medical field is vital to scientific progress. It is significant for human life to test a drug on animals before doing so on people. There shall be safety regulations before doing so. The animals shall be treated as their rights suggest, but under all security measures and precaution (without threatening the animal life) it is quite alright to use them for medical research.

Works Cited

Pro-Test. 2006. 25th June 2017.

The European Coalition to End Animal Experimentation. n.d. 25th June 2017.



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