Academic Master


Angela Murphy Monograph

Angela Murphy wrote monograph to communicate to her audience about the slavery which was popular during 1851 in the United States. It is believed that the context of her monograph is focused on the incidence which occurred in New York to draw attention to new law “Fugitive Slave Law” which illegalized all meetings in Free states like New York. However, Angela Murphy wanted her audience learn about the fugitive law, slavery system and anti-slavery movement. In the book, Angela argues that slavery is illegal and should be abolished (Murphy 6). Angela maintained that slavery is torture and therefore, Jerry deserves freedom since he has not committed any offense. In the eyes of slave Masters Jerry committed an offense by attending a meeting organizes to rally people against slavery.

Nevertheless, the attempt to liberate Jerry from the federal custody was not about one man Jerry. It is believed to be about everyone who was being subjected to slavery. Jerry was picked from the meeting he was attending at Syracuse and handing him over to a slave master would have neutralized the anti-slavery party called Liberty Party. The rejection and attempting to free Jerry from custody was a bigger plan to show the slave masters that people would be freed by all means possible. It was meant to send a message that it is time to wide up and freed all slaves.

The event which happened in Syracuse indicated frustration which many African American and other races where experiencing in the United States during 1850s (Murphy 4). It was the time when the practice of slavery was high and people’s freedom was limited. During this period many blacks were being subjected to slavery and several movements against slavery were working to make sure that slavery is abolished. The freedom of assembly was limited and the law enforcement could arrest anyone at will and extraordinary charges are brought against any individuals. Therefore, the event which occurred in Syracuse and things which were happening in the country are related because the slavery was the center of discussion and several movements were campaigning against the continuous of practicing slavery in the United States.

The Angela Murphy is not just another local history, it provide a broader lessons for readers and her audience about a particular time in the history of the United States. It illustrated the slavery history and its effect to the people. It also tells people about the slavery system in the United States and therefore, the monograph address certain issues which political doing could not addressed

Works Cited

Murphy, Angela F. “The Jerry Rescue.” The Fugitive Slave Law, Northern Rights, and the American Sectional Crisis (2014): 1-5.



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