Academic Master


Analyzing a Film and Muslim Documentary

The article describes the manner in which colonialism has created a false belief of superiority among the west. Throughout history, it is evident that the west has always taken credit for everything that happens in the world and has perceived other countries to be inferior of low technical expertise. It is through this false belief that others countries have been described as developing because of the numerous challenges faced socially. Colonialism began through this issue of feeling superior and the desire to dominate other people globally. The desire is what drove people from the west to Africa and Asia where they got the opportunity to exploit the locals (Shohat 17). The retaliation to exploitation created stereotypes about the locals, which is, entrenched in the western culture. Despite the significant achievements in these countries, the stereotypes exist which are transferred from one generation to the other.

The documentary “Reel Bad Arabs” analyzes the manner in which Hollywood portrays Arabs through negative stereotypes. In the several videos in which the author analyzes, Arabs are portrayed to be violent and linked to terrorism. Arab women are additionally portrayed to be shallow, dancing and serving greedy leaders. This stereotype has been developed by the west and is now present in the film industry and the politics of these countries. The film reiterates the arguments and ideas on the article on the manner in which the west perceives these developing countries (Media Education Foundation). Even if these films are exciting to watch, few people usually question the way in which these stereotypes are incorporated into the film. As long as we continue to support Hollywood by purchasing and watching films with racial stereotypes, the issue of equality will not be achieved.

Works Cited

Media Education Foundation. Reel Bad Arabs-How Hollywood Vilifies People. 2006. [File Video] Retrieved from

Shohat, Ella, and Robert Stam. Unthinking Eurocentrism: Multiculturalism and the media. Routledge, 2014.



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