The story “An Amazing Thing” is written by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, who targeted a situation that occurred in a visa office. The story was based on a situation in which nine people were stuck in the visa office of an Indian Consulate. The situation also includes the fact that it was the time when an earthquake occurred and hit one city in the United States of America. Among the nine people, two people were the visa officers; one person was a Chinese Indian woman named Jiang; one person was the granddaughter of the Chinese lady Lily; one person was an ex-soldier named Cameron; one person was an American Indian girl named Uma, a white couple, and Tariq who was a Muslim man.
They all stuck in the place and tried hard to find a way out but were unable to find a way and started to think that they had to wait for help. There was nothing they could do, so they started to share their life stories with each other based on the pattern of “one amazing thing” in their life. The author did not provide exact details that all the survivors were able to be back or not, and in the end, she stated that “THERE WERE SOUNDS AGAIN UPSTAIRS, A CLANKING, ADVANCING noise, as though a different giant—this one in iron shoes—had decided to take a walk. It could be rescuers; it could be parts of the building getting ready to collapse” (Divakaruni). It shows that the author did not explain the details of the people who were rescuers or something else, as she wanted to leave the audience curious. The novel ends with this suspense factor, and the author does not reveal the actual situation in the end.
Works Cited
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. One Amazing Thing. Hyperion Books, 2010. Print.