Academic Master

Education, English

Adolescence Essay

Adolescence is mostly considered as a very rebellious, confused as well as problematic time. However, despite all these problems those adolescences faces some individuals emerge successfully navigate the changes which are usually associated with the adolescence stage. According to the research carried out it is true that a lot of changes in human development take place in adolescence. However, this does not always mean that this time is the unpleasant time of human life. Being a teenager in today’s world can be a difficult time it is all about friendship and trying to fit into the circle.

However, during this stage of human development bullying is a problem that can have a significant impact on the teenager life. Students in schools who do not have friends should try to fit or try to find one since this will reduce depression and stress among them. Bullying is a significant issue in schools and can be stated as a factor of fitting in. Mostly if one ask high schools student about bullying, one can essay they either bullied or they have bullied someone at some point. Harassment is termed to be of two main parts that are physical as well as psychological bullying. Both bullying are terrible, but the worse one is psychological since it pushes an individual to an edge of having suicidal thoughts.

Adolescence has trouble in getting through the day in a bully environment where they face bullying from their schoolmates or classmates. Just like every other conflict in the world, an individual must start it and whether it comes from the peer or the peer cruelty does not matter. All the people in an institution become guilty when it comes to bullying matters. What makes this matter to grow time and again, is that the people who bully others go unpunished. Mostly bullying issue does not have the consequences. Often it is started by one individual, but it’s prolonging, and continuation is as a result of lack of proper ways of punishing the doers hence encouraging more of this actions.

Just like fire to a match bullying starts with one individual but its growth and reactions grow so fast. When trying to stop this act of peer cruelty towards others, we should not focus on who started, but we should handle all the participants and hold them accountable for any evil actions. There are some ways in which the bullying act can be stopped mostly be adults and parenting stepping in. More so direct punishment to the peer involved may reduce the bullying cases. The community and other law enforcement personnel have a more significant role in stopping bullying and creating a safer space where the young individuals can grow and flourish. When security department gets to know what harassment means and what it involves, they may understand the effects and the intolerance ways of punishing the individuals involved in bullying.

After watching Bully, it has helped me in understanding better what have learned in class about adolescence as a stage in human development as well as the effects of bullying. Most of the individuals who bully others or who practice peer cruelty are at higher risk of being involved in criminal cases later in their lives. They may experience antisocial behaviors including intimidating partners and being violent. Bullying has got accepted as social life and there many individuals who believe that every child during the teenage stage must get bullied. Schools should not tolerate harassment, and the school administration and officials must punish those involved in bullying. The film has contradicted my thinking on adolescent as any other stage in human development. But I have understood that indeed it is an awkward stage that requires parent attention as well as teacher more.



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