Academic Master

Business and Finance

Adichie’s Analysis


Chimamanda Adichie’s description relates to the nonexperimental research based on the fact that she is focused on the casual relationship on how she warns in the case of the dangers which are only the hearing natives in the world billions. Her description relates to the research based on the fact that she gives an analysis of her life history right from her homeland, Nigeria. In her review, she provides a breakdown of how her mother described her. In her writing, ideas just in her early ages were depicted by American books, and her thoughts are related to the research based on what she wrote (Adichie, 2009).

At the age of 7, she gives an analysis of how her mother was obligated based on the stories that she was reading and her character regarding what she endorsed by then. She provides a depiction of how her life was in her earlier life. She was very convinced that books hurt the hearts of people based on what they are giving analysis about and the characters in them. In her description, her mother has a significant impact on how she looks at things. Her mother is like a mentor, giving her another look at the world. There are some challenges that she goes about (03min: 09 sec). She is very eager to know what is there in the world and that makes an impact on her life. To make this realistic, she goes ahead and reads about the African books and relates them to the depictions in the different writings (12min:10sec). She has a significant challenge in recognizing what is there in foreign America which brings her to the top of her level of getting to know what she could do to get what she needs. She avoids this anxiety by believing in her own, doing things in a different way and thinking that one day, one time, she will be there.


Adichie, C. (2009). The danger of a single story, TED.

TED Talk: The Danger of a Single Story



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