Academic Master


Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore Movie

The “Blended” movie by Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore movie is one of the American comedy films which are very romantic. In his Adam Sandler has used some characters to develop the school family thematic issue. This analysis will focus on three characters showing their role in the film. To start with, Bobby Boucher is the main character. In the film, he represents misfortune individuals who turn to be critical personnel. In this case, he is shallow wit in his late ages. He gets fired in his job of water boy on the football team.

In the film, it seen that he struggles so much to get his job back but all in vain. Instead, he is just made the school fun out of his small game that he lands out much struggle. The game he lands is a small game in the school. The second character is Henry Winkler who represents low ranked and luckless people in the community (Barrymore, 16). He starred mostly in his happy days. He has a play on the football coach. He is the friend of Bobby Boucher. He is kind of luckless coach since there is little e. The third character in this matter is Coach Klein. In the film, he represents the frustrated characters through the ways he is upset by his team for a long time causing him almost lose streak. His extents his had to ask whether Boddy is good at football but Boddy mother says he is very delicate. “My boy is too delicate,” Mama Bobby says. After that Bobby sneaks out of his mother, and Coach Klein takes a chance to encourage him. Klein team becomes so successful as Bobby becomes the maters player in the group. The characters have one thing in common. They are all practicing their talents through football challenges. They are passing through some obstacles before realizing their dreams. Bobby Boucher is a compelling character because he draws much of the thematic issue of the film. He shows a lot of the determination despite a lot of frustration.


In the movie “Blended” Lauren one of the characters is not happy with chronic masturbating of his son. Hilary is the second character to be discussed in this analysis. He is a 15 years star in basketball. And the last character is Jim (Barrymore, 67). Jim and Lauren have their role in determining boys need for their fathers figure and parental guidance. Jim keeps running to his father’s three daughters. “Is it possible that these boys are in need of a father figure and the girls could use little maternal guidance? Jim and Lauren’s roles and their potential are obvious, but “Blended” has zero faith in its audience and feels the need to spell out every single development and emotion, right as they’re happening on screen in front of us” Powerful character here is Jim through his address of his daughters in choppy matter. In this film, Barrymore shows much of the luminous and brings best of the “Blended”.

Work cited

Barrymore, Adam Sandler: America’s Comedian. Macmillan.”Drew Barrymore “Blended”.1000.2012 (2016).



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