Academic Master


Two Species of Philosophy Identified by David Hume

In section one of the Enquiry, David Hume highlights roughly on the introduction to philosophy and what comes of it, therefore. He asserted that philosophy could be divided into to two broad parts: the first part is the moral philosophy also called the philosophy of human nature, and the other one is natural philosophy. Moral philosophy looks into both thoughts and actions. Hume further stresses in section one as a warning that philosophers with distinct expression of thinking are more likely to be gotten rid of because the ones whose conclusions match intuitively with the popular opinion get favored. He insists however that precision aids art and craft of every kind and the craft of philosophy is not exclusion.

The science of human nature was considered a solid foundation for the other sciences. He further explained that foundation that is given to the human psychology must be laid on observation and experience. It is presumed that Newton was Hume’s hero despite not mentioning him by name. Despite accepting the Newtonian maxim “Hypotheses non-fingo,” Hume distant himself from making Hypothesis and proclaimed that observation and experiment was the only way to discover laws. Hume had a proposition of an empiricist alternative to the initial priori metaphysics. Hume’s empiricism refuses to countenance any appeal to the supernatural in explaining human nature; therefore, it was naturalistic. In accord with the Newtonian view of the world, as a naturalist, Hume tries to prove that our minds work.

Hume displays his scientific study of human nature as similar to an anatomy of the mind or merely mental geography. In the Enquiry, he explains that it has two principal works that is one is exclusively explanatory, and the other is descriptive. He believes that finally, he will find the fundamental laws guiding economic and mental powers.



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